Ошибка MySQL в структуре C #

У меня проблемы с MySQL в программе. Я не профессионал в этом.

Сообщение об ошибке:

«MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: уже есть открытый DataReader, связанный с этим соединением, который должен быть сначала закрыт. System.Void MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.CheckState () в MySqlDataReader MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand. ExecuteReader (поведение System.Data.CommandBehavior) в MySqlDataReader MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader () "

Код ниже:

public static class MySQL { private static string strConnection; static void dbConnection_StateChange(object sender, StateChangeEventArgs ev) { if (ev.CurrentState == ConnectionState.Broken) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); dbConnection.Close(); } if (ev.CurrentState == ConnectionState.Closed) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); dbConnection = new MySqlConnection(strConnection); dbConnection.StateChange += new System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler(dbConnection_StateChange); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); dbConnection.Open(); } } private static MySqlConnection dbConnection; public static bool openConnection(string dbHost, int dbPort, string dbName, string dbUsername, string dbPassword) { try { strConnection = "server=" + dbHost + ";" + "database=" + dbName + ";" + "uid=" + dbUsername + ";" + "password=" + dbPassword; dbConnection = new MySqlConnection(strConnection); dbConnection.StateChange += new System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler(dbConnection_StateChange); dbConnection.Open(); Console.WriteLine(" Connected to MySQL."); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(" Couldn't connect to MySQL! The error:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return false; } } public static void closeConnection() { try { dbConnection.Close(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("tasdsdaa fodaa"); } } public static void checkConnection() { try { if (dbConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { closeConnection(); openConnection(Config.dbHost, Config.dbPort, Config.dbName, Config.dbUsername, Config.dbPassword); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("ta fodaa"); } } public static void runQuery(string Query) { checkConnection(); try { new MySqlCommand(Query, dbConnection).ExecuteScalar(); } catch { } } public static int insertGetLast(string Query) { checkConnection(); return int.Parse((new MySqlCommand(Query + "; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", dbConnection).ExecuteScalar()).ToString()); } public static string runRead(string Query) { checkConnection(); try { return new MySqlCommand(Query + " LIMIT 1", dbConnection).ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } catch { return ""; } } public static int runRead(string Query, object Tick) { checkConnection(); try { return Convert.ToInt32(new MySqlCommand(Query + " LIMIT 1", dbConnection).ExecuteScalar()); } catch { return 0; } } public static string[] runReadColumn(string Query, int maxResults) { checkConnection(); MySqlCommand Command = null; MySqlDataReader Reader = null; if (maxResults > 0) Query += " LIMIT " + maxResults; try { Command = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = Query; Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader.HasRows) { ArrayList columnBuilder = new ArrayList(); while (Reader.Read()) { try { columnBuilder.Add(Reader[0].ToString()); } catch { columnBuilder.Add(""); } } return (string[])columnBuilder.ToArray(typeof(string)); } else { return new string[0]; } } catch(MySqlException Ex) { if (Command != null) { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!\n\r" + Command.CommandText, Ex); } else { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!", Ex); } } finally { // Close the reader/command if they are active. if (Reader != null) { Reader.Close(); Reader.Dispose(); } if (Command != null) { Command.Dispose(); } } return new string[0]; } public static int[] runReadColumn(string Query, int maxResults, object Tick) { checkConnection(); MySqlCommand Command = null; MySqlDataReader Reader = null; if (maxResults > 0) Query += " LIMIT " + maxResults; try { Command = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = Query; Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader.HasRows) { ArrayList columnBuilder = new ArrayList(); while (Reader.Read()) { try { columnBuilder.Add(Reader.GetInt32(0)); } catch { columnBuilder.Add(0); } } return (int[])columnBuilder.ToArray(typeof(int)); } else { return new int[0]; } } catch (MySqlException Ex) { if (Command != null) { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!\n\r" + Command.CommandText, Ex); } else { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!", Ex); } } finally { // Close the reader/command if they are active. if (Reader != null) { Reader.Close(); Reader.Dispose(); } if (Command != null) { Command.Dispose(); } } return new int[0]; } public static string[] runReadRow(string Query) { checkConnection(); MySqlCommand Command = null; MySqlDataReader Reader = null; try { Command = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = Query + " LIMIT 1"; Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader.HasRows) { ArrayList rowBuilder = new ArrayList(); while (Reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < Reader.FieldCount; i++) { try { rowBuilder.Add(Reader[i].ToString()); } catch { rowBuilder.Add(""); } } } return (string[])rowBuilder.ToArray(typeof(string)); } else { return new string[0]; } } catch (MySqlException Ex) { if (Command != null) { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!\n\r" + Command.CommandText, Ex); } else { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!", Ex); } } finally { // Close the reader/command if they are active. if (Reader != null) { Reader.Close(); Reader.Dispose(); } if (Command != null) { Command.Dispose(); } } return new string[0]; } public static int[] runReadRow(string Query, object Tick) { checkConnection(); MySqlCommand Command = null; MySqlDataReader Reader = null; try { Command = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = Query + " LIMIT 1"; Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader.HasRows) { ArrayList rowBuilder = new ArrayList(); while (Reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < Reader.FieldCount; i++) { try { rowBuilder.Add(Reader.GetInt32(i)); } catch { rowBuilder.Add(0); } } } return (int[])rowBuilder.ToArray(typeof(int)); } else { return new int[0]; } } catch (MySqlException Ex) { if (Command != null) { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!\n\r" + Command.CommandText, Ex); } else { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!", Ex); } } finally { // Close the reader/command if they are active. if (Reader != null) { Reader.Close(); Reader.Dispose(); } if (Command != null) { Command.Dispose(); } } return new int[0]; } public static bool checkExists(string Query) { checkConnection(); try { return new MySqlCommand(Query + " LIMIT 1", dbConnection).ExecuteReader().HasRows; } catch { return false; } } public static List<List<string>> readArray(string Query) { MySqlCommand Command = null; MySqlDataReader Reader = null; try { // Create the command. Command = MySQL.dbConnection.CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = Query; // Read the result. Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); // Store the incomming fields. List<List<string>> fieldValues = new List<List<string>>(); // Read all the data. while (Reader.Read()) { // Create a new field values to hold the data. List<string> Buffer = new List<string>(); // Add the field values. for (int i = 0; i < Reader.FieldCount; i++) { Buffer.Add(Reader[i].ToString()); } // Add it too our overall data. fieldValues.Add(Buffer); } return fieldValues; } catch (MySqlException Ex) { if (Command != null) { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!\n\r" + Command.CommandText, Ex); } else { Console.WriteLine("[MySQL] Error!", Ex); } return null; } finally { // Close the reader/command if they are active. if (Reader != null) { Reader.Close(); Reader.Dispose(); } if (Command != null) { Command.Dispose(); } } } public static string Stripslash(string Query) { try { return Query.Replace(@"\", "\\").Replace("'", @"\'"); } catch { return ""; } } }