Дата чтения человеком с использованием PHP

Пожалуйста, помогите мне создать функцию для преобразования дат типа

2010-10-04 17:45:50 

В нечто более симпатичное, как

 10 October at 17:45 

И поэтому он может скрыть годы, если они действительно не нужны, и отображать дату, как

 today/yesterday at 17:45 

Это немного похоже на то, как Facebook показывает прошлые даты.

Попробуйте использовать этот класс: я определил некоторые константы для перевода на испанский, но вы можете игнорировать их или сделать язык валидации для других функций!

Вы можете сосредоточиться на функциях: shortDateHuman (), longDateHuman (), shortTimeHuman (), longTimeHuman ()

Для его использования вы можете: $datetest=new Date($language); а затем использовать


Кроме того, вы можете проверить функцию setGMTOffset, если вам это нужно.

 class Date { var $gmtoffset; var $year; var $month; var $day; var $hour; var $minute; var $second; var $idioma; function Date($lang) { //setlocale (LC_TIME,en_US); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = split("-", gmdate("Ymd")); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = split(":", gmdate("g:i:s")); $this->gmtoffset = 0; $this->idioma=$lang; } function getYear() { return $this->year; } function setYear($year) { $year = intval($year); if($year >= 0) { $this->year = $year; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid year! Prior to 0 AD!"); } return true; } function getMonth() { return $this->month; } function setMonth($month) { $month = intval($month); if(($month >= 1) && ($month <= 12)) { $this->month = $month; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid month! Not between 1 and 12!"); } return true; } function getDay() { return $this->day; } function setDay($day) { $day = intval($day); if(($day >= 1) && ($day <= 31)) { $this->day = $day; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid day! Not between 1 and 31!"); } return true; } function getHour() { return $this->hour; } function setHour($hour) { $hour = intval($hour); if(($hour >= 0) && ($hour <= 23)) { $this->hour = $hour; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid hour! Not between 0 & 23!"); } return true; } function getMinute() { return $this->minute; } function setMinute($minute) { $minute = intval($minute); if(($minute >= 0) && ($minute <= 59)) { $this->minute = $minute; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid minute! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getSecond() { return $this->second; } function setSecond($second) { $second = intval($second); if(($second >= 0) && ($second <= 59)) { $this->second = $second; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid second! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getGMTOffset() { return $this->gmtoffset; } function setGMTOffset($gmtoffset) { $gmtoffset = intval($gmtoffset); if(($gmtoffset >= -12) && ($gmtoffset <= 12)) { $this->gmtoffset = $gmtoffset; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid GMT offset! Not between -12 and 12!"); } return true; } function setDate($year, $month, $day) { $this->setYear($year); $this->setMonth($month); $this->setDay($day); return true; } function setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset = 0) { $this->setHour($hour); $this->setMinute($minute); $this->setSecond($second); $this->setGMTOffset($gmtoffset); return true; } function setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset) { $this->setDate($year, $month, $day); $this->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset); return true; } function timestamp() { # This function returns a user's correct timezone in the form # of a unix timestamp. return mktime($this->hour + $this->gmtoffset, $this->minute, $this->second, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); } function longDateTimeHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:25 PM". return date("l, j F, Y g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana(){ # Returns a day string like "Saturday". return date("l", $this->timestamp()); } function mes(){ # retorna un string del mes "November". return date("F", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana_es($diaen){ switch($diaen) { case "Saturday": return("Sábado");break; case "Sunday": return("Domingo");break; case "Monday": return("Lunes");break; case "Tuesday": return("Martes");break; case "Wednesday": return("Miércoles");break; case "Thursday": return("Jueves");break; case "Friday": return("Viernes");break; } } function mes_es($mesen){ switch($mesen) { case "January": return(_JAN);break; case "February": return(_FEB);break; case "March": return(_MAR);break; case "April": return(_APR);break; case "May": return(_MAY);break; case "June": return(_JUN);break; case "July": return(_JUL);break; case "August": return(_AUG);break; case "September": return(_SEP);break; case "October": return(_OCT);break; case "November": return(_NOV);break; case "December": return(_DEC);break; } } function longDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005". if($this->idioma=="en") return date("l, j F , Y", $this->timestamp()); else { return "".$this->diaSemana_es($this->diaSemana()).", ".$this->mes_es($this->mes())." ".$this->day.", ".$this->year; } } function shortDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "November 5, 2005". return date("F j, Y", $this->timestamp()); } function longTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32:56 PM". F j of Y, g:ia return date("g:i:s A", $this->timestamp()); // return date("F j of Y", $this->timestamp()); } function shortTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32 PM". return date("g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function militaryTime() { # Returns a time like "15:34:24". return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate() { return date("Ymd", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate_convertir($timestamp){ // echo date("Ymd", $timestamp); // echo $timestamp; // $aux=getdate($timestamp); // $aux=mktime($timestamp); // $aux=gmstrftime($timestamp); //echo // print_r(getdate($timestamp)); // $aux=$timestamp; //$aux=date("Ymd", $timestamp); $aux=split(" ",$timestamp); //print_r($aux); return $aux[0]; } function SQLTime() { return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDateTime() { return date("Ymd h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } } в class Date { var $gmtoffset; var $year; var $month; var $day; var $hour; var $minute; var $second; var $idioma; function Date($lang) { //setlocale (LC_TIME,en_US); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = split("-", gmdate("Ymd")); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = split(":", gmdate("g:i:s")); $this->gmtoffset = 0; $this->idioma=$lang; } function getYear() { return $this->year; } function setYear($year) { $year = intval($year); if($year >= 0) { $this->year = $year; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid year! Prior to 0 AD!"); } return true; } function getMonth() { return $this->month; } function setMonth($month) { $month = intval($month); if(($month >= 1) && ($month <= 12)) { $this->month = $month; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid month! Not between 1 and 12!"); } return true; } function getDay() { return $this->day; } function setDay($day) { $day = intval($day); if(($day >= 1) && ($day <= 31)) { $this->day = $day; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid day! Not between 1 and 31!"); } return true; } function getHour() { return $this->hour; } function setHour($hour) { $hour = intval($hour); if(($hour >= 0) && ($hour <= 23)) { $this->hour = $hour; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid hour! Not between 0 & 23!"); } return true; } function getMinute() { return $this->minute; } function setMinute($minute) { $minute = intval($minute); if(($minute >= 0) && ($minute <= 59)) { $this->minute = $minute; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid minute! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getSecond() { return $this->second; } function setSecond($second) { $second = intval($second); if(($second >= 0) && ($second <= 59)) { $this->second = $second; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid second! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getGMTOffset() { return $this->gmtoffset; } function setGMTOffset($gmtoffset) { $gmtoffset = intval($gmtoffset); if(($gmtoffset >= -12) && ($gmtoffset <= 12)) { $this->gmtoffset = $gmtoffset; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid GMT offset! Not between -12 and 12!"); } return true; } function setDate($year, $month, $day) { $this->setYear($year); $this->setMonth($month); $this->setDay($day); return true; } function setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset = 0) { $this->setHour($hour); $this->setMinute($minute); $this->setSecond($second); $this->setGMTOffset($gmtoffset); return true; } function setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset) { $this->setDate($year, $month, $day); $this->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset); return true; } function timestamp() { # This function returns a user's correct timezone in the form # of a unix timestamp. return mktime($this->hour + $this->gmtoffset, $this->minute, $this->second, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); } function longDateTimeHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:25 PM". return date("l, j F, Y g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana(){ # Returns a day string like "Saturday". return date("l", $this->timestamp()); } function mes(){ # retorna un string del mes "November". return date("F", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana_es($diaen){ switch($diaen) { case "Saturday": return("Sábado");break; case "Sunday": return("Domingo");break; case "Monday": return("Lunes");break; case "Tuesday": return("Martes");break; case "Wednesday": return("Miércoles");break; case "Thursday": return("Jueves");break; case "Friday": return("Viernes");break; } } function mes_es($mesen){ switch($mesen) { case "January": return(_JAN);break; case "February": return(_FEB);break; case "March": return(_MAR);break; case "April": return(_APR);break; case "May": return(_MAY);break; case "June": return(_JUN);break; case "July": return(_JUL);break; case "August": return(_AUG);break; case "September": return(_SEP);break; case "October": return(_OCT);break; case "November": return(_NOV);break; case "December": return(_DEC);break; } } function longDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005". if($this->idioma=="en") return date("l, j F , Y", $this->timestamp()); else { return "".$this->diaSemana_es($this->diaSemana()).", ".$this->mes_es($this->mes())." ".$this->day.", ".$this->year; } } function shortDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "November 5, 2005". return date("F j, Y", $this->timestamp()); } function longTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32:56 PM". F j of Y, g:ia return date("g:i:s A", $this->timestamp()); // return date("F j of Y", $this->timestamp()); } function shortTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32 PM". return date("g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function militaryTime() { # Returns a time like "15:34:24". return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate() { return date("Ymd", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate_convertir($timestamp){ // echo date("Ymd", $timestamp); // echo $timestamp; // $aux=getdate($timestamp); // $aux=mktime($timestamp); // $aux=gmstrftime($timestamp); //echo // print_r(getdate($timestamp)); // $aux=$timestamp; //$aux=date("Ymd", $timestamp); $aux=split(" ",$timestamp); //print_r($aux); return $aux[0]; } function SQLTime() { return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDateTime() { return date("Ymd h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } } в class Date { var $gmtoffset; var $year; var $month; var $day; var $hour; var $minute; var $second; var $idioma; function Date($lang) { //setlocale (LC_TIME,en_US); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = split("-", gmdate("Ymd")); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = split(":", gmdate("g:i:s")); $this->gmtoffset = 0; $this->idioma=$lang; } function getYear() { return $this->year; } function setYear($year) { $year = intval($year); if($year >= 0) { $this->year = $year; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid year! Prior to 0 AD!"); } return true; } function getMonth() { return $this->month; } function setMonth($month) { $month = intval($month); if(($month >= 1) && ($month <= 12)) { $this->month = $month; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid month! Not between 1 and 12!"); } return true; } function getDay() { return $this->day; } function setDay($day) { $day = intval($day); if(($day >= 1) && ($day <= 31)) { $this->day = $day; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid day! Not between 1 and 31!"); } return true; } function getHour() { return $this->hour; } function setHour($hour) { $hour = intval($hour); if(($hour >= 0) && ($hour <= 23)) { $this->hour = $hour; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid hour! Not between 0 & 23!"); } return true; } function getMinute() { return $this->minute; } function setMinute($minute) { $minute = intval($minute); if(($minute >= 0) && ($minute <= 59)) { $this->minute = $minute; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid minute! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getSecond() { return $this->second; } function setSecond($second) { $second = intval($second); if(($second >= 0) && ($second <= 59)) { $this->second = $second; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid second! Not between 0 and 59!"); } return true; } function getGMTOffset() { return $this->gmtoffset; } function setGMTOffset($gmtoffset) { $gmtoffset = intval($gmtoffset); if(($gmtoffset >= -12) && ($gmtoffset <= 12)) { $this->gmtoffset = $gmtoffset; } else { //throw new Exception("Invalid GMT offset! Not between -12 and 12!"); } return true; } function setDate($year, $month, $day) { $this->setYear($year); $this->setMonth($month); $this->setDay($day); return true; } function setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset = 0) { $this->setHour($hour); $this->setMinute($minute); $this->setSecond($second); $this->setGMTOffset($gmtoffset); return true; } function setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset) { $this->setDate($year, $month, $day); $this->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset); return true; } function timestamp() { # This function returns a user's correct timezone in the form # of a unix timestamp. return mktime($this->hour + $this->gmtoffset, $this->minute, $this->second, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); } function longDateTimeHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:25 PM". return date("l, j F, Y g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana(){ # Returns a day string like "Saturday". return date("l", $this->timestamp()); } function mes(){ # retorna un string del mes "November". return date("F", $this->timestamp()); } function diaSemana_es($diaen){ switch($diaen) { case "Saturday": return("Sábado");break; case "Sunday": return("Domingo");break; case "Monday": return("Lunes");break; case "Tuesday": return("Martes");break; case "Wednesday": return("Miércoles");break; case "Thursday": return("Jueves");break; case "Friday": return("Viernes");break; } } function mes_es($mesen){ switch($mesen) { case "January": return(_JAN);break; case "February": return(_FEB);break; case "March": return(_MAR);break; case "April": return(_APR);break; case "May": return(_MAY);break; case "June": return(_JUN);break; case "July": return(_JUL);break; case "August": return(_AUG);break; case "September": return(_SEP);break; case "October": return(_OCT);break; case "November": return(_NOV);break; case "December": return(_DEC);break; } } function longDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005". if($this->idioma=="en") return date("l, j F , Y", $this->timestamp()); else { return "".$this->diaSemana_es($this->diaSemana()).", ".$this->mes_es($this->mes())." ".$this->day.", ".$this->year; } } function shortDateHuman() { # Returns a date string like "November 5, 2005". return date("F j, Y", $this->timestamp()); } function longTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32:56 PM". F j of Y, g:ia return date("g:i:s A", $this->timestamp()); // return date("F j of Y", $this->timestamp()); } function shortTimeHuman() { # Returns a time like "3:32 PM". return date("g:i A", $this->timestamp()); } function militaryTime() { # Returns a time like "15:34:24". return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate() { return date("Ymd", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDate_convertir($timestamp){ // echo date("Ymd", $timestamp); // echo $timestamp; // $aux=getdate($timestamp); // $aux=mktime($timestamp); // $aux=gmstrftime($timestamp); //echo // print_r(getdate($timestamp)); // $aux=$timestamp; //$aux=date("Ymd", $timestamp); $aux=split(" ",$timestamp); //print_r($aux); return $aux[0]; } function SQLTime() { return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } function SQLDateTime() { return date("Ymd h:i:s", $this->timestamp()); } } 

Выбранный ответ не соответствует 100% вопросу. Вторая делает лучшую работу (ссылка). Я также хотел бы указать на Carbon, класс, который помогает с датами. Функция, которую вы, возможно, ищете:

 echo Carbon::now()->subMinutes(2)->diffForHumans(); // '2 minutes ago' 

Ссылка: https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon

Мне нравится эта функция . Его ввод – это временная метка unix, которая представляет собой количество секунд с 01 января 1970 года.

 public function FormatTime($timestamp) { // Get time difference and setup arrays $difference = time() - $timestamp; $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "years"); $lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12"); // Past or present if ($difference >= 0) { $ending = "ago"; } else { $difference = -$difference; $ending = "to go"; } // Figure out difference by looping while less than array length // and difference is larger than lengths. $arr_len = count($lengths); for($j = 0; $j < $arr_len && $difference >= $lengths[$j]; $j++) { $difference /= $lengths[$j]; } // Round up $difference = round($difference); // Make plural if needed if($difference != 1) { $periods[$j].= "s"; } // Default format $text = "$difference $periods[$j] $ending"; // over 24 hours if($j > 2) { // future date over a day formate with year if($ending == "to go") { if($j == 3 && $difference == 1) { $text = "Tomorrow at ". date("g:ia", $timestamp); } else { $text = date("F j, Y \a\\tg:ia", $timestamp); } return $text; } if($j == 3 && $difference == 1) // Yesterday { $text = "Yesterday at ". date("g:ia", $timestamp); } else if($j == 3) // Less than a week display -- Monday at 5:28pm { $text = date("l \a\\tg:ia", $timestamp); } else if($j < 6 && !($j == 5 && $difference == 12)) // Less than a year display -- June 25 at 5:23am { $text = date("F j \a\\tg:ia", $timestamp); } else // if over a year or the same month one year ago -- June 30, 2010 at 5:34pm { $text = date("F j, Y \a\\tg:ia", $timestamp); } } return $text; } 

Вы также можете взглянуть на помощников CakePHP. Их TimeHelper делает то, что вы хотите.