Как перейти на якорь на submit – не вверху страницы

На этой странице у меня есть сценарий калькулятора беременности: http://taranakimidwife.co.nz/index.php ? … Itemid = 104

В настоящее время вычисление – это нажатие на страницу, которая возвращается к вершине. Я хочу, чтобы он перешел на якорь #pregcalc. Знаешь что я имею ввиду? Это сценарий:

<?php <?php if(!empty($_POST['calculator_ok'])): //last cycle date $date="$_POST[dateyear]-$_POST[datemonth]-$_POST[dateday]"; //convert to time $lasttime=mktime(0,0,0,$_POST['datemonth'],$_POST['dateday'],$_POST['dateyear']); // next period start $next_period=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600; $next_period=date("F d, Y",$next_period); //first fertile day $firstdaytime=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600 - 16*24*3600; $firstday=date("F d, Y",$firstdaytime); //last fertile day $lastdaytime=$lasttime + $_POST['days']*24*3600 - 12*24*3600; $lastday=date("F d, Y",$lastdaytime); //have to adjust due date? $diff=$_POST['days'] - 28; //due date $date + 280 days $duedatetime=$lasttime + 280*24*3600 + $diff*24*3600; $duedate=date("F d, Y",$duedatetime); ?> <div class="calculator_table"> <p>Here are the results based on the information you provided:</p> <!-- <p>Your next <b>menstrual period</b> is expected to start on <strong><?php echo $next_period?></strong>.</p> --> <!--<p>You next <b>most fertile</b> period is <strong><?php echo $firstday?> to <?php echo $lastday?></strong>.</p> --> <p>Your estimated <b>due date</b> is <strong><?php echo $duedate?></strong>.</p> <p align="center"><input type="button" value="Calculate again!" onclick="window.location='http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];?><?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>'"></p> </div> <?php else: //the calculator comes here ?> <div class="calculator_table"> <form method="post"> <p>Please select the first day of your last menstrual period:</p> <p><?php echo date_chooser("date",date("Ymd"))?></p> <p>Usual number of days in your period: <select name="days"> <?php for($i=20;$i<=45;$i++) { if($i==28) $selected='selected="true"'; else $selected=''; echo "<option $selected value='$i'>$i</option>"; } ?> </select></p> <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="calculator_ok" value="Calculate"></p> </form> </div> <?php endif; //to print a date chooser - get name and value in mysql date format function date_chooser($name,$value="") { $months=array('','January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August', 'September','October','November','December'); if(empty($value)) $value=date("Ymd"); $parts=explode("-",$value); $day=$parts[2]+0; $month=$parts[1]+0; $year=$parts[0]; $chooser=""; $chooser.="<select name='".$name."month'>"; for($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) { if($i==$month) $selected='selected="true"'; else $selected=''; $chooser.="<option $selected value='$i'>$months[$i]</option>"; } $chooser.="</select> / "; $chooser.="<select name='".$name."day'>"; for($i=1;$i<=31;$i++) { if($i==$day) $selected='selected'; else $selected=''; $chooser.="<option $selected value='$i'>$i</option>"; } $chooser.="</select> / "; $chooser.="<select name='".$name."year'>"; for($i=(date("Y")-1);$i<=2050;$i++) { if($i==$year) $selected='selected'; else $selected=''; $chooser.="<option $selected>$i</option>"; } $chooser.="</select> "; return $chooser; } ?> 

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