Неустранимая ошибка: вызов неопределенной функции: strripos ()

Я получаю эту ошибку только в сафари и в браузере Android. Весь мой код перенаправляет страницу на основе браузера? отлично работает везде, какие-либо предложения?

«Неустранимая ошибка: вызов неопределенной функции: strripos () в /home/content/a/l/i/aliahealthcare/html/Register-With-Alia.php в строке 65"

<?php function getBrowser() { $u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $bname = 'Unknown'; $platform = 'Unknown'; $version= ""; //First get the platform? if (preg_match('/linux/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'linux'; } elseif (preg_match('/macintosh|mac os x/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'mac'; } elseif (preg_match('/windows|win32/i', $u_agent)) { $platform = 'windows'; } // Next get the name of the useragent yes seperately and for good reason if(preg_match('/MSIE/i',$u_agent) && !preg_match('/Opera/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Internet Explorer'; $ub = "MSIE"; } elseif(preg_match('/Firefox/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Mozilla Firefox'; $ub = "Firefox"; } elseif(preg_match('/Chrome/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Google Chrome'; $ub = "Chrome"; } elseif(preg_match('/Safari/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Apple Safari'; $ub = "Safari"; } elseif(preg_match('/Opera/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Opera'; $ub = "Opera"; } elseif(preg_match('/Netscape/i',$u_agent)) { $bname = 'Netscape'; $ub = "Netscape"; } // finally get the correct version number $known = array('Version', $ub, 'other'); $pattern = '#(?<browser>' . join('|', $known) . ')[/ ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#'; if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $u_agent, $matches)) { // we have no matching number just continue } // see how many we have $i = count($matches['browser']); if ($i != 1) { //we will have two since we are not using 'other' argument yet //see if version is before or after the name if (strripos($u_agent,"Version") < strripos($u_agent,$ub)){ $version= $matches['version'][0]; } else { $version= $matches['version'][1]; } } else { $version= $matches['version'][0]; } // check if we have a number if ($version==null || $version=="") {$version="?";} return array( 'userAgent' => $u_agent, 'name' => $bname, 'version' => $version, 'platform' => $platform, 'pattern' => $pattern ); } // now try it $ua=getBrowser(); if ($ua['name'] == 'Internet Explorer') { header( 'Location: http://www.aliahealthcare.com/Register-IE.php' ) ; } else { header( 'Location: http://aliahealthcare.com/New-User.php' ) ;} ?>