Я использую базовый шаблон для небольшого проекта на Yii2. Я уже установил модуль Language Picker из Lajax ( Doc ), и теперь я пытаюсь управлять переводом с помощью модуля Translate Manager Lajax ( Github ). Плагин отлично сканирует проект и получает переводные тексты. Я даже устанавливаю некоторые переводы через этот модуль, и все сохраняется в базе данных, но эти переводы не задаются при смене языка.
вот мои настройки web.php:
'language' => 'en-GB', 'components' => [ ... 'languagepicker' => [ 'class' => 'lajax\languagepicker\Component', 'languages' => ['en-GB', 'fr-FR'] ], 'i18n' => [ 'translations' => [ '*' => [ 'class' => 'yii\i18n\DbMessageSource', 'db' => 'db', 'sourceLanguage' => 'en-GB', 'sourceMessageTable' => '{{%language_source}}', 'messageTable' => '{{%language_translate}}', 'forceTranslation' => true, 'cachingDuration' => 86400, 'enableCaching' => true, ], ], ], ... ] 'modules' => [ ... 'translatemanager' => [ 'class' => 'lajax\translatemanager\Module', 'root' => '@app', // The root directory of the project scan. 'scanRootParentDirectory' => false, // Whether scan the defined `root` parent directory, or the folder itself. // IMPORTANT: for detailed instructions read the chapter about root configuration. 'layout' => 'language', // Name of the used layout. If using own layout use 'null'. 'allowedIPs' => [''], // IP addresses from which the translation interface is accessible. 'roles' => ['@'], // For setting access levels to the translating interface. 'tmpDir' => '@runtime', // Writable directory for the client-side temporary language files. // IMPORTANT: must be identical for all applications (the AssetsManager serves the JavaScript files containing language elements from this directory). 'phpTranslators' => ['::t'], // list of the php function for translating messages. 'jsTranslators' => ['lajax.t'], // list of the js function for translating messages. 'patterns' => ['*.js', '*.php'],// list of file extensions that contain language elements. 'ignoredCategories' => ['yii'], // these categories won't be included in the language database. 'ignoredItems' => ['config'], // these files will not be processed. 'scanTimeLimit' => null, // increase to prevent "Maximum execution time" errors, if null the default max_execution_time will be used 'searchEmptyCommand' => '!', // the search string to enter in the 'Translation' search field to find not yet translated items, set to null to disable this feature 'defaultExportStatus' => 1, // the default selection of languages to export, set to 0 to select all languages by default 'defaultExportFormat' => 'json',// the default format for export, can be 'json' or 'xml' 'tables' => [ // Properties of individual tables [ 'connection' => 'db', // connection identifier 'table' => '{{%language}}', // table name 'columns' => ['name', 'name_ascii'],// names of multilingual fields 'category' => 'database-table-name',// the category is the database table name ] ], 'scanners' => [ // define this if you need to override default scanners (below) '\lajax\translatemanager\services\scanners\ScannerPhpFunction', '\lajax\translatemanager\services\scanners\ScannerPhpArray', '\lajax\translatemanager\services\scanners\ScannerJavaScriptFunction', '\lajax\translatemanager\services\scanners\ScannerDatabase', ], ], ... ]
Я всегда использую что-то вроде этого im-кода для переводимых строк:
<?= Yii::t('app','Test') ?>
Я делаю что-то неправильно?