Как использовать Yahoo! API с библиотекой oauth-php?

В настоящее время я пытаюсь использовать API Yahoo напрямую с php. Я уже использую библиотеку oauth-php с некоторыми API Google, и это работает как шарм.

Но API yahoo не нравится заголовки авторизации, которые использует oauth-php. Я вижу, что PECL Oauth имеет возможность выбирать способ отправки параметра авторизации, но не может найти эквивалент в почти несуществующей документации oauth-php. Поэтому мой вопрос: можно ли выбрать этот метод с помощью oauth-php или я должен начать работать над некоторым патчем?

Изменить: изменил заголовок, чтобы понять, в чем была основная причина проблемы.

    В случае, если это может помочь другой потерянной душе, я получил ее наконец. Таким образом, Oauth-php хранит токены в поле varchar (64) в таблице oauth_consumer_token. По крайней мере, в загружаемой версии r175; он был изменен на varchar (255) в источнике r188 установщика.

    Но токен Yahoo! Намного длиннее (минимум 790 байт), что означает, что вам нужно изменить структуру таблицы, чтобы colum oct_token использовался как ТЕКСТ. И для этого вам нужно сбросить внешний ключ, а затем индекс.

    Измененная библиотека / store / mysql / mysql.sql:

    # Datamodel for OAuthStoreMySQL # # You need to add the foreign key constraints for the user ids your are using. # I have commented the constraints out, just look for 'usa_id_ref' to enable them. # # The --SPLIT-- markers are used by the install.php script # # @version $Id$ # @author Marc Worrell # # Changes: # # 2011-02-25 # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token MODIFY oct_token varchar(255) binary not null; # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token MODIFY oct_token_secret varchar(255) binary not null; # # 2010-09-15 # ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token MODIFY ost_referrer_host varchar(128) not null default ''; # # 2010-07-22 # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry DROP INDEX ocr_consumer_key; # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry ADD UNIQUE ocr_consumer_key(ocr_consumer_key,ocr_usa_id_ref,ocr_server_uri) # # 2010-04-20 (on 103 and 110) # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry MODIFY ocr_consumer_key varchar(128) binary not null; # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry MODIFY ocr_consumer_secret varchar(128) binary not null; # # 2010-04-20 (on 103 and 110) # ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_verifier char(10); # ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_callback_url varchar(512); # # 2008-10-15 (on r48) Added ttl to consumer and server tokens, added named server tokens # # ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token # ADD ost_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31', # ADD KEY (ost_token_ttl); # # ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token # ADD oct_name varchar(64) binary not null default '', # ADD oct_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31', # DROP KEY oct_usa_id_ref, # ADD UNIQUE KEY (oct_usa_id_ref, oct_ocr_id_ref, oct_token_type, oct_name), # ADD KEY (oct_token_ttl); # # 2008-09-09 (on r5) Added referrer host to server access token # # ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_referrer_host VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL; # # # Log table to hold all OAuth request when you enabled logging # CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_log ( olg_id int(11) not null auto_increment, olg_osr_consumer_key varchar(64) binary, olg_ost_token varchar(64) binary, olg_ocr_consumer_key varchar(64) binary, olg_oct_token varchar(64) binary, olg_usa_id_ref int(11), olg_received text not null, olg_sent text not null, olg_base_string text not null, olg_notes text not null, olg_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp, olg_remote_ip bigint not null, primary key (olg_id), key (olg_osr_consumer_key, olg_id), key (olg_ost_token, olg_id), key (olg_ocr_consumer_key, olg_id), key (olg_oct_token, olg_id), key (olg_usa_id_ref, olg_id) # , foreign key (olg_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref) # on update cascade # on delete cascade ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; #--SPLIT-- # # /////////////////// CONSUMER SIDE /////////////////// # # This is a registry of all consumer codes we got from other servers # The consumer_key/secret is obtained from the server # We also register the server uri, so that we can find the consumer key and secret # for a certain server. From that server we can check if we have a token for a # particular user. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_consumer_registry ( ocr_id int(11) not null auto_increment, ocr_usa_id_ref int(11), ocr_consumer_key varchar(128) binary not null, ocr_consumer_secret varchar(128) binary not null, ocr_signature_methods varchar(255) not null default 'HMAC-SHA1,PLAINTEXT', ocr_server_uri varchar(255) not null, ocr_server_uri_host varchar(128) not null, ocr_server_uri_path varchar(128) binary not null, ocr_request_token_uri varchar(255) not null, ocr_authorize_uri varchar(255) not null, ocr_access_token_uri varchar(255) not null, ocr_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp, primary key (ocr_id), unique key (ocr_consumer_key, ocr_usa_id_ref, ocr_server_uri), key (ocr_server_uri), key (ocr_server_uri_host, ocr_server_uri_path), key (ocr_usa_id_ref) # , foreign key (ocr_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth(usa_id_ref) # on update cascade # on delete set null ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; #--SPLIT-- # Table used to sign requests for sending to a server by the consumer # The key is defined for a particular user. Only one single named # key is allowed per user/server combination CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_consumer_token ( oct_id int(11) not null auto_increment, oct_ocr_id_ref int(11) not null, oct_usa_id_ref int(11) not null, oct_name varchar(64) binary not null default '', oct_token text binary not null, oct_token_secret varchar(255) binary not null, oct_token_type enum('request','authorized','access'), oct_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31', oct_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp, primary key (oct_id), unique key (oct_usa_id_ref, oct_ocr_id_ref, oct_token_type, oct_name), key (oct_token_ttl) # , foreign key (oct_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref) # on update cascade # on delete cascade ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; #--SPLIT-- # # ////////////////// SERVER SIDE ///////////////// # # Table holding consumer key/secret combos an user issued to consumers. # Used for verification of incoming requests. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_registry ( osr_id int(11) not null auto_increment, osr_usa_id_ref int(11), osr_consumer_key varchar(64) binary not null, osr_consumer_secret varchar(64) binary not null, osr_enabled tinyint(1) not null default '1', osr_status varchar(16) not null, osr_requester_name varchar(64) not null, osr_requester_email varchar(64) not null, osr_callback_uri varchar(255) not null, osr_application_uri varchar(255) not null, osr_application_title varchar(80) not null, osr_application_descr text not null, osr_application_notes text not null, osr_application_type varchar(20) not null, osr_application_commercial tinyint(1) not null default '0', osr_issue_date datetime not null, osr_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp, primary key (osr_id), unique key (osr_consumer_key), key (osr_usa_id_ref) # , foreign key (osr_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth(usa_id_ref) # on update cascade # on delete set null ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; #--SPLIT-- # Nonce used by a certain consumer, every used nonce should be unique, this prevents # replaying attacks. We need to store all timestamp/nonce combinations for the # maximum timestamp received. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_nonce ( osn_id int(11) not null auto_increment, osn_consumer_key varchar(64) binary not null, osn_token varchar(64) binary not null, osn_timestamp bigint not null, osn_nonce varchar(80) binary not null, primary key (osn_id), unique key (osn_consumer_key, osn_token, osn_timestamp, osn_nonce) ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; #--SPLIT-- # Table used to verify signed requests sent to a server by the consumer # When the verification is succesful then the associated user id is returned. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_token ( ost_id int(11) not null auto_increment, ost_osr_id_ref int(11) not null, ost_usa_id_ref int(11) not null, ost_token varchar(64) binary not null, ost_token_secret varchar(64) binary not null, ost_token_type enum('request','access'), ost_authorized tinyint(1) not null default '0', ost_referrer_host varchar(128) not null default '', ost_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31', ost_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp, ost_verifier char(10), ost_callback_url varchar(512), primary key (ost_id), unique key (ost_token), key (ost_osr_id_ref), key (ost_token_ttl), foreign key (ost_osr_id_ref) references oauth_server_registry (osr_id) on update cascade on delete cascade # , foreign key (ost_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref) # on update cascade # on delete cascade ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8; 

    Ну, через некоторое время беспорядок вокруг заголовка авторизации не был проблемой. Используя некоторые параметры google oauth (xoauth_displayname) для yahoo, вы были. Но при просмотре oauth-php lib (r175) мне пришлось увидеть параметр в OAuthRequestSigner::getQueryString который не используется, но дает возможность получить заголовки в запросе.

    Поэтому, если кому-то это нужно, но не по той причине, что я попробовал, вы можете изменить OAuthRequester.php, как это.

    • Строка 149: добавить

       $auth_header = true; if(isset($options['auth_header']) && !$options['auth_header']){ $auth_header = false; } 
    • Строка 164: заменить $text = $oauth->curl_raw($curl_options, $auth_header); по $text = $oauth->curl_raw($curl_options, $auth_header);
    • Строка 300: замените protected function curl_raw ( $opts = array() ) protected function curl_raw ( $opts = array(), $auth_header = true )
    • Строка 317: замените $query = $this->getQueryString() на $query = $this->getQueryString($auth_header);

    Пример вызова:

     $token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken($consumer_key, $user_id, $getAuthTokenParams, 'POST', array('auth_header' => FALSE));