SOAP-соединение с Royal Mail, невозможно подключиться к хосту

Я пытаюсь подключиться к API доставки Royal Mail, но я получаю знаменитый Не могу подключиться к хосту.

$api_password = "****"; $api_username = "****"; $api_application_id = "****"; $api_service_type = "D"; $api_service_code = "SD1"; $api_service_format = ""; $api_certificate_passphrase = "****"; $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $created = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s\Z'); $nonce = mt_rand(); $nonce_date_pwd = xyz(copy from sample); $passwordDigest = zyz(copy from sample); $ENCODEDNONCE = zyz(copy from sample); $soapclient_options = array(); $soapclient_options['cache_wsdl'] = 'WSDL_CACHE_NONE'; $soapclient_options['local_cert'] = "CA2+Splash+Felipe+RM10001654+usr.p12"; $soapclient_options['passphrase'] = $api_certificate_passphrase; $soapclient_options['trace'] = true; $soapclient_options['ssl_method'] = 'SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3'; $soapclient_options['location'] = '****'; //launch soap client $client = new SoapClient("SAPI/ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl", $soapclient_options); $client->__setLocation($soapclient_options['location']); 

(установочный заголовок)

 $HeaderObject = new SoapVar( $HeaderObjectXML, XSD_ANYXML ); //push soap header $header = new SoapHeader( 'oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd', 'Security', $HeaderObject ); $client->__setSoapHeaders($header); 

(часть запроса запроса)

 if($api_service_enhancements != "") { $request['requestedShipment']['serviceEnhancements'] = array('enhancementType' => array('serviceEnhancementCode' => array('code' => $api_service_enhancements))); } //try make the call try { $response = $client->__soapCall('createShipment', array($request), array('soapaction' => '***api-link***') ); } catch (Exception $e) { //catch the error message and echo the last request for debug echo $e->getMessage(); echo "REQUEST:\n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n"; die; } 

Правильно ли я устанавливаю соединение и локальный сертификат? Любая информация отсутствует? С уважением

Следуйте моему окончательному коду 🙂 это работает точно. Даже повторите попытку, если сервер будет загружен, наслаждайтесь.

 <?php //ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', '1'); ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled',0); ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl',0); class royalmaillabelRequest { private $apiapplicationid = "insert urs"; private $api_password = "insert urs"; private $api_username = "insert urs"; //"rxxxxxAPI" private $api_certificate_passphrase = "insert urs"; private $locationforrequest = ''; //live '' onbording '' private $api_service_enhancements = ""; private function preparerequest(){ //PASSWORD DIGEST $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $created = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s\Z'); $nonce = mt_rand(); $nonce_date_pwd = xyz(copy from sample); $passwordDigest = nyz(copy from sample); $ENCODEDNONCE = (copy from sample); //SET CONNECTION DETAILS $soapclient_options = array(); $soapclient_options['cache_wsdl'] = 'WSDL_CACHE_NONE'; $soapclient_options['stream_context'] = stream_context_create( array('http'=> array( 'protocol_version'=>'1.0' , 'header' => 'Connection: Close' ) ) ); $soapclient_options['local_cert'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/certificate.pem"; $soapclient_options['passphrase'] = $this->api_certificate_passphrase; $soapclient_options['trace'] = true; $soapclient_options['ssl_method'] = 'SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3'; $soapclient_options['location'] = $this->locationforrequest; $soapclient_options['soap_version'] = 'SOAP_1_1'; //launch soap client $client = new SoapClient(dirname(__FILE__) . "/SAPI/ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl", $soapclient_options); $client->__setLocation($soapclient_options['location']); //headers needed for royal mail//D8D094Fd2716E3Es142588808s317 $HeaderObjectXML = '<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-D8D094FC22716E3EDE14258880881317"> <wsse:Username>'.$this->api_username.'</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="">'.$passwordDigest.'</wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">'.$ENCODEDNONCE.'</wsse:Nonce> <wsu:Created>'.$created.'</wsu:Created> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security>'; //push the header into soap $HeaderObject = new SoapVar( $HeaderObjectXML, XSD_ANYXML ); //push soap header $header = new SoapHeader( '', 'Security', $HeaderObject ); $client->__setSoapHeaders($header); return $client; } public function CreateShippiment($data){ $request = $this->buildCreateshippiment($data); $type = 'createShipment'; return $this->makerequest($type, $request); } public function PrintLabel($shipmentNumber,$order_tracking_id){ $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $request = array( 'integrationHeader' => array( 'dateTime' => $time, 'version' => '2', 'identification' => array( 'applicationId' => $this->apiapplicationid, 'transactionId' => $order_tracking_id ) ), 'shipmentNumber' => $shipmentNumber, 'outputFormat' => 'PDF', ); $type = 'printLabel'; $response = $this->makerequest($type, $request); return $response->label; } private function makerequest($type, $request){ $client = $this->preparerequest(); $response = false; $times = 1; while(true){ try { $response = $client->__soapCall( $type, array($request), array('soapaction' => $this->locationforrequest) ); // echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse()) . "\n"; break; } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); if($e->detail->exceptionDetails->exceptionCode == "E0010" && $times <= 25){ sleep(1.5); $times++; continue; }else{ echo $e->getMessage(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($e->detail); echo $client->__getLastResponse(); echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse()) . "\n"; break; } } break; } return $response; } private function buildCreateshippiment($data2) { $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $data = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($data2 as $key => $value) { $data->$key = $value; } $request = array( 'integrationHeader' => array( 'dateTime' => $time, 'version' => '2', 'identification' => array( 'applicationId' => $this->apiapplicationid, 'transactionId' => $data->order_tracking_id ) ), 'requestedShipment' => array( 'shipmentType' => array('code' => 'Delivery'), 'serviceOccurrence' => 1, 'serviceType' => array('code' => $data->api_service_type), 'serviceOffering' => array('serviceOfferingCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_code)), 'serviceFormat' => array('serviceFormatCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_format)), 'shippingDate' => date('Ym-d'), 'recipientContact' => array('name' => $data->shipping_name, 'complementaryName' => $data->shipping_company), 'recipientAddress' => array('addressLine1' => $data->shipping_address1, 'addressLine2' => $data->shipping_address2, 'postTown' => $data->shipping_town, 'postcode' => $data->shipping_postcode), 'items' => array('item' => array( 'numberOfItems' => $data->order_tracking_boxes, 'weight' => array( 'unitOfMeasure' => array('unitOfMeasureCode' => array('code' => 'g')), 'value' => $data->order_tracking_weight, ) ) ), //'signature' => 0, ) ); if($data->api_service_enhancements == 6 && $data->api_service_type == 1){ $request['requestedShipment']['serviceEnhancements'] = array('enhancementType' => array('serviceEnhancementCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_enhancements))); } return $request; } } в <?php //ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', '1'); ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled',0); ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl',0); class royalmaillabelRequest { private $apiapplicationid = "insert urs"; private $api_password = "insert urs"; private $api_username = "insert urs"; //"rxxxxxAPI" private $api_certificate_passphrase = "insert urs"; private $locationforrequest = ''; //live '' onbording '' private $api_service_enhancements = ""; private function preparerequest(){ //PASSWORD DIGEST $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $created = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s\Z'); $nonce = mt_rand(); $nonce_date_pwd = xyz(copy from sample); $passwordDigest = nyz(copy from sample); $ENCODEDNONCE = (copy from sample); //SET CONNECTION DETAILS $soapclient_options = array(); $soapclient_options['cache_wsdl'] = 'WSDL_CACHE_NONE'; $soapclient_options['stream_context'] = stream_context_create( array('http'=> array( 'protocol_version'=>'1.0' , 'header' => 'Connection: Close' ) ) ); $soapclient_options['local_cert'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/certificate.pem"; $soapclient_options['passphrase'] = $this->api_certificate_passphrase; $soapclient_options['trace'] = true; $soapclient_options['ssl_method'] = 'SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3'; $soapclient_options['location'] = $this->locationforrequest; $soapclient_options['soap_version'] = 'SOAP_1_1'; //launch soap client $client = new SoapClient(dirname(__FILE__) . "/SAPI/ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl", $soapclient_options); $client->__setLocation($soapclient_options['location']); //headers needed for royal mail//D8D094Fd2716E3Es142588808s317 $HeaderObjectXML = '<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-D8D094FC22716E3EDE14258880881317"> <wsse:Username>'.$this->api_username.'</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="">'.$passwordDigest.'</wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">'.$ENCODEDNONCE.'</wsse:Nonce> <wsu:Created>'.$created.'</wsu:Created> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security>'; //push the header into soap $HeaderObject = new SoapVar( $HeaderObjectXML, XSD_ANYXML ); //push soap header $header = new SoapHeader( '', 'Security', $HeaderObject ); $client->__setSoapHeaders($header); return $client; } public function CreateShippiment($data){ $request = $this->buildCreateshippiment($data); $type = 'createShipment'; return $this->makerequest($type, $request); } public function PrintLabel($shipmentNumber,$order_tracking_id){ $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $request = array( 'integrationHeader' => array( 'dateTime' => $time, 'version' => '2', 'identification' => array( 'applicationId' => $this->apiapplicationid, 'transactionId' => $order_tracking_id ) ), 'shipmentNumber' => $shipmentNumber, 'outputFormat' => 'PDF', ); $type = 'printLabel'; $response = $this->makerequest($type, $request); return $response->label; } private function makerequest($type, $request){ $client = $this->preparerequest(); $response = false; $times = 1; while(true){ try { $response = $client->__soapCall( $type, array($request), array('soapaction' => $this->locationforrequest) ); // echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse()) . "\n"; break; } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); if($e->detail->exceptionDetails->exceptionCode == "E0010" && $times <= 25){ sleep(1.5); $times++; continue; }else{ echo $e->getMessage(); echo "<pre>"; print_r($e->detail); echo $client->__getLastResponse(); echo "REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse()) . "\n"; break; } } break; } return $response; } private function buildCreateshippiment($data2) { $time = gmdate('Ymd\TH:i:s'); $data = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($data2 as $key => $value) { $data->$key = $value; } $request = array( 'integrationHeader' => array( 'dateTime' => $time, 'version' => '2', 'identification' => array( 'applicationId' => $this->apiapplicationid, 'transactionId' => $data->order_tracking_id ) ), 'requestedShipment' => array( 'shipmentType' => array('code' => 'Delivery'), 'serviceOccurrence' => 1, 'serviceType' => array('code' => $data->api_service_type), 'serviceOffering' => array('serviceOfferingCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_code)), 'serviceFormat' => array('serviceFormatCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_format)), 'shippingDate' => date('Ym-d'), 'recipientContact' => array('name' => $data->shipping_name, 'complementaryName' => $data->shipping_company), 'recipientAddress' => array('addressLine1' => $data->shipping_address1, 'addressLine2' => $data->shipping_address2, 'postTown' => $data->shipping_town, 'postcode' => $data->shipping_postcode), 'items' => array('item' => array( 'numberOfItems' => $data->order_tracking_boxes, 'weight' => array( 'unitOfMeasure' => array('unitOfMeasureCode' => array('code' => 'g')), 'value' => $data->order_tracking_weight, ) ) ), //'signature' => 0, ) ); if($data->api_service_enhancements == 6 && $data->api_service_type == 1){ $request['requestedShipment']['serviceEnhancements'] = array('enhancementType' => array('serviceEnhancementCode' => array('code' => $data->api_service_enhancements))); } return $request; } } медленный и не отвечает во времени.

Загрузите oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd и измените ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl чтобы использовать локальную версию.

Ваше местоположение выглядит неправильно.

 $soapclient_options['location'] = '****'; 

Разве это не должно выглядеть так.

 $soapclient_options['location'] = '';