CodeIgniter + API Карт Google V3 + закрыть InfoWindow ()

У любого есть идея, как сделать библиотеку CodeIgniter Google Maps API v3 доступной только для одного информационного окна, а также для скрытия окна thei nfo при нажатии за пределами информационного окна.


Если вы хотите одновременно отображать только одно информационное окно (поскольку это поведение Карт Google), вы должны создать только одно информационное окно экземпляра.

Надеюсь, поможет

В результате я использовал сторонний плагин под названием infoBubbles.js для создания пользовательских инфо-окон. Вместо создания infoBubble для каждого маркера я создаю переменную и передаю содержимое infoBubbles через google.maps.marker(); , Затем я сохранил маркеры в массиве и, щелкнув, перейдет через массив и отобразит пузырь.

Вот полный код:

 /** * infoBubble Variable * This variable is globally defined for defaults that are loaded. */ var infoBubble = null; /** * array of all of the markers that are on the map * * @type {Array} * @author Mike DeVita * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_Js */ var markersArray = []; /** * array of all of the sidebar items for all of the markers on the map * * @type {Array} * @author Mike DeVita * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_Js */ var sidebarHtmlArray = []; /** * setPoints(locations) * * sets the marker, infoBubble and sidebarItem based on the locations * that were returned from the JSON query. * * @param {array} locations array of all of the points, and their settings/html * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google Maps API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function setPoints(locations){ infoBubble = new InfoBubble({ map: map, content: 'placeholder', disableAutoPan: false, hideCloseButton: false, arrowPosition: 30, arrowStyle: 0 }); for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { /** @type {array} reassigns locations array to be point, isolates it to the setPoints() function */ var point = locations; /** @type {google} generates Googles API form of the lat lng passed from var point */ var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(point[i].lat, point[i].lng); /** * marker variable, stores all of the information pertaining to a specific marker * this variable creates the marker, places it on the map and then also sets some * custom options for the infoBubbles. * * @type {google} */ var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, icon: point[i].marker_icon, infoBubble_html: point[i].html, infoBubble_minWidth: point[i].min_width, infoBubble_maxWidth: point[i].max_width, infoBubble_minHeight: point[i].min_height, infoBubble_maxHeight: point[i].max_height }); /** push the marker to the markersArray to delete or show the overlays */ markersArray.push(marker); var sidebarItem = point[i].sidebarHtmlView; sidebarHtmlArray.push(sidebarItem); /** * add the listeners for the markerClicks and the sideBarClicks * * @type {google} * @todo eventDomListener does not work yet, this is the click listener of the sidebar item's */ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){ infoBubble.setContent(this.infoBubble_html); infoBubble.setMinWidth(this.infoBubble_minWidth); infoBubble.setMaxWidth(this.infoBubble_maxWidth); infoBubble.setMinHeight(this.infoBubble_minHeight); infoBubble.setMaxHeight(this.infoBubble_maxHeight);, this); }); } } /** * addmarker(location) * * adds the marker to the map and pushes the marker * to the end of the markersArray * * @param {google} location LatLng of where the marker should be put * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function addMarker(location, marker_icon){ marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, icon: marker_icon }); markersArray.push(marker); } function addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#map_items').append('<div id="point_'+i+'">'+sidebarItem+'</div>'); }); } /** * showOverlays() * * display the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js * * @todo add display of infoBUbbles */ function showOverlays() { /** show the markers */ if (markersArray) { for (i in markersArray) { markersArray[i].setMap(map); } } /** show the side bar items*/ if (sidebarHtmlArray) { for (i in sidebarHtmlArray) { var sidebarItem = sidebarHtmlArray[i]; addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i); } } } /** * deleteOverlays() * * delete all of the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function deleteOverlays() { /** if markersArray is set, remove the marker off the map, and set it to lenght 0 */ if (markersArray) { for (i in markersArray) { markersArray[i].setMap(null); } markersArray.length = 0; } /** if sidebarHtmlArray is set, set it to length 0 */ if (sidebarHtmlArray){ sidebarHtmlArray.length = 0; $('#map_items div').empty(); } } /** * showLoading() * * shows the loading animation for the sidebar and map points * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying * to load is indeed loading. * * @author Jonathan Sampson */ function showLoading() { $("#loading").show(); $("#sidebar-loading").show(); } /** * hideLoading() * * hides the loading animation for the sidebar and map points * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying to load * has been loaded. * * @author Jonathan Sampson */ function hideLoading() { $("#loading").hide(); $("#sidebar-loading").hide(); } /** * JSON/AJAX Submit for Categories * * On submit of #submit JSON query site/process controller * returns json encoded arrays of points and their lat/lng, html and sidebarHtml * * @return {json_array} * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#submit').click(function(){ var items = $('#categoryList').serialize(); $('#map_sidebar_controls_container').animate({width:0}); $('#map_sidebar_button').animate({left:0}); deleteOverlays(); showLoading(); setTimeout(function(){ $.post("index/process.html", { "items": items }, function(data){ var points = data; setPoints(points); showOverlays(); hideLoading(); }, "json"); }, 275); }); //END SUBMIT CLICK FOR AJAX $('#reset').click(function(){ $('#categoryList').find('input[type=checkbox]:checked').removeAttr('checked'); deleteOverlays(); }); //END RESET CLICK FOR RESETTING POINTS AND CATEGORIES }); /** load the init() function onLoad of the DOM Window */ google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init); . /** * infoBubble Variable * This variable is globally defined for defaults that are loaded. */ var infoBubble = null; /** * array of all of the markers that are on the map * * @type {Array} * @author Mike DeVita * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_Js */ var markersArray = []; /** * array of all of the sidebar items for all of the markers on the map * * @type {Array} * @author Mike DeVita * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_Js */ var sidebarHtmlArray = []; /** * setPoints(locations) * * sets the marker, infoBubble and sidebarItem based on the locations * that were returned from the JSON query. * * @param {array} locations array of all of the points, and their settings/html * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google Maps API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function setPoints(locations){ infoBubble = new InfoBubble({ map: map, content: 'placeholder', disableAutoPan: false, hideCloseButton: false, arrowPosition: 30, arrowStyle: 0 }); for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { /** @type {array} reassigns locations array to be point, isolates it to the setPoints() function */ var point = locations; /** @type {google} generates Googles API form of the lat lng passed from var point */ var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(point[i].lat, point[i].lng); /** * marker variable, stores all of the information pertaining to a specific marker * this variable creates the marker, places it on the map and then also sets some * custom options for the infoBubbles. * * @type {google} */ var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, icon: point[i].marker_icon, infoBubble_html: point[i].html, infoBubble_minWidth: point[i].min_width, infoBubble_maxWidth: point[i].max_width, infoBubble_minHeight: point[i].min_height, infoBubble_maxHeight: point[i].max_height }); /** push the marker to the markersArray to delete or show the overlays */ markersArray.push(marker); var sidebarItem = point[i].sidebarHtmlView; sidebarHtmlArray.push(sidebarItem); /** * add the listeners for the markerClicks and the sideBarClicks * * @type {google} * @todo eventDomListener does not work yet, this is the click listener of the sidebar item's */ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){ infoBubble.setContent(this.infoBubble_html); infoBubble.setMinWidth(this.infoBubble_minWidth); infoBubble.setMaxWidth(this.infoBubble_maxWidth); infoBubble.setMinHeight(this.infoBubble_minHeight); infoBubble.setMaxHeight(this.infoBubble_maxHeight);, this); }); } } /** * addmarker(location) * * adds the marker to the map and pushes the marker * to the end of the markersArray * * @param {google} location LatLng of where the marker should be put * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function addMarker(location, marker_icon){ marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, icon: marker_icon }); markersArray.push(marker); } function addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#map_items').append('<div id="point_'+i+'">'+sidebarItem+'</div>'); }); } /** * showOverlays() * * display the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js * * @todo add display of infoBUbbles */ function showOverlays() { /** show the markers */ if (markersArray) { for (i in markersArray) { markersArray[i].setMap(map); } } /** show the side bar items*/ if (sidebarHtmlArray) { for (i in sidebarHtmlArray) { var sidebarItem = sidebarHtmlArray[i]; addSidebarItem(sidebarItem, i); } } } /** * deleteOverlays() * * delete all of the Overlays that are in markersArray, infoBubbles, sidebarHtmlArray * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ function deleteOverlays() { /** if markersArray is set, remove the marker off the map, and set it to lenght 0 */ if (markersArray) { for (i in markersArray) { markersArray[i].setMap(null); } markersArray.length = 0; } /** if sidebarHtmlArray is set, set it to length 0 */ if (sidebarHtmlArray){ sidebarHtmlArray.length = 0; $('#map_items div').empty(); } } /** * showLoading() * * shows the loading animation for the sidebar and map points * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying * to load is indeed loading. * * @author Jonathan Sampson */ function showLoading() { $("#loading").show(); $("#sidebar-loading").show(); } /** * hideLoading() * * hides the loading animation for the sidebar and map points * this helps to notify the user that the content they are trying to load * has been loaded. * * @author Jonathan Sampson */ function hideLoading() { $("#loading").hide(); $("#sidebar-loading").hide(); } /** * JSON/AJAX Submit for Categories * * On submit of #submit JSON query site/process controller * returns json encoded arrays of points and their lat/lng, html and sidebarHtml * * @return {json_array} * * @author Mike DeVita * @author Google API * @copyright 2011 MapIT USA * @category map_js */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#submit').click(function(){ var items = $('#categoryList').serialize(); $('#map_sidebar_controls_container').animate({width:0}); $('#map_sidebar_button').animate({left:0}); deleteOverlays(); showLoading(); setTimeout(function(){ $.post("index/process.html", { "items": items }, function(data){ var points = data; setPoints(points); showOverlays(); hideLoading(); }, "json"); }, 275); }); //END SUBMIT CLICK FOR AJAX $('#reset').click(function(){ $('#categoryList').find('input[type=checkbox]:checked').removeAttr('checked'); deleteOverlays(); }); //END RESET CLICK FOR RESETTING POINTS AND CATEGORIES }); /** load the init() function onLoad of the DOM Window */ google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);