проверка типов ввода «флажок» и «число» php / html

Привет, мне было интересно, можно ли проверить "checkbox" и "number" . Мне очень сложно объяснить, чего я хочу, но я постараюсь изо всех сил;). В любом случае у меня есть этот код:

 <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "cappuccino"/>Cappuccino <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "cappuccino_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "espresso"/>Espresso <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "espresso_qty" size = "2"/><br> 


Я хочу, чтобы программа проверяла как "checkbox" и "number" чтобы пользователь не мог обмануть. Например, если выбрано «cappuccino», его назначенное количество («cappuccino_qty») должно быть единственным типом ввода, который может быть отправлен. Скажем, капучино стоит 2,00 долл. США и эспрессо стоит 3,00 долл. С моим кодом пользователь может проверить эспрессо и изменить количество каппучино на один или несколько. Так что с моим эспрессо выхода стоит $ 2,00 вместо $ 3,00. Я хочу предотвратить это.

Это весь мой код:

 <html> <head> <title>Order</Title> <style> </style> <body> <form action = "order.php" method = "post"> Coffee:<p> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "cappuccino"/>Cappuccino <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "cappuccino_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "espresso"/>Espresso <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "espresso_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "double_espresso"/>Double Espresso <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "double_espresso_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "flat_white"/>Flat White <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "flat_white_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "latte"/>Latte <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "latte_qty" size = "2"/><br> <input type = "checkbox" name = "coffee[]" value = "ice"/>Ice Coffee <input type = "number" value = "qty." name = "ice_qty" size = "2"/><br> <p> <input type = "radio" value = "in" name = "dine"/>Dine in <input type = "radio" value = "out" name = "dine"/>Take out <br> <input type = "submit" value = "submit" name = "submit"/> </form> </body> </head> </Html> <?php //coffee cost// $cappuccino_cost = 3.75; $espresso_cost = 3.00; $double_espresso_cost = 4.25; $flat_white_cost = 3.75; $latte_cost = 3.5; $ice_cost = 2.5; //default qty of each coffee// $cappuccino_qty = 0; $espresso_qty = 0; $double_espresso_qty = 0; $flatwhite_qty = 0; $latte_qty = 0; $ice_qty = 0; //discounts & charges// $charge = 1.05; $discount = 0.1; //submitting inputs// if(isset($_POST["submit"])) { //number of checkboxe(s) that are checked if(isset($_POST['coffee'])) { $checked_array = $_POST['coffee']; $count = count($checked_array); if($count != 0) { //coffee cost is being readied// if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'cappuccino') { $cappuccino_cost = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'espresso') { $espresso_cost = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'double_espresso') { $double_espresso_cost = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'flat_white') { $flat_white_cost = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'latte') { $latte_cost = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['coffee']) && $_POST['coffee'] == 'ice') { $ice_cost = 0; } //the quantity calculated// if(isset($_POST['cappuccino_qty']) && $_POST['cappuccino_qty'] != 'qty.') { $cappuccino_qty = $_POST['cappuccino_qty']; } if(isset($_POST['espresso_qty']) && $_POST['espresso_qty'] != 'qty.') { $espresso_qty = $_POST['espresso_qty']; } if(isset($_POST['double_espresso_qty']) && $_POST['double_espresso_qty'] != 'qty.') { $double_espresso_qty = $_POST['double_espresso_qty']; } if(isset($_POST['flat_white_qty']) && $_POST['flat_white_qty'] != 'qty.') { $flat_white_qty = $_POST['flat_white_qty']; } if(isset($_POST['latte_qty']) && $_POST['latte_qty'] != 'qty.') { $latte_qty = $_POST['latte_qty']; } if(isset($_POST['ice_qty']) && $_POST['ice_qty'] != 'qty.') { $ice_qty = $_POST['ice_qty']; } //cost calculated// $cappuccino = $cappuccino_cost * $cappuccino_qty; $espresso = $espresso_cost * $espresso_qty; $double = $double_espresso_cost * $double_espresso_qty; $flat = $flat_white_cost * $flat_white_qty; $latte = $latte_cost * $latte_qty; $ice = $ice_cost * $ice_qty; //total amount of cost and no. cofee// $total = $cappuccino + $espresso + $double + $flat + $latte + $ice; $total_coffee = $cappuccino_qty + $espresso_qty + $double_espresso_qty + $flat_white_qty + $latte_qty + $ice_qty; //take away charge calculated// if(isset($_POST['dine']) && $_POST['dine'] == 'out') { $total = $charge * $total; $total = round($total,2); } //discount calculated// if($count >= 3 or $total_coffee >= 3) { $total = $total - ($total * $discount); $total = round($total,2); } //output total if($total != 0) { echo "$".(round($total,2)); } } } } ?>