Есть ли способ в PHP преобразовать числа в их письменную версию?

Я работал над ценовой таблицей, где я хочу преобразовать значения чисел в их письменную форму в соответствии с каждым типом валюты.

Есть ли библиотека, доступная на PHP, которая может мне помочь?

Источник: http://www.karlrixon.co.uk/writing/convert-numbers-to-words-with-php/

function convert_number_to_words($number) { $hyphen = '-'; $conjunction = ' and '; $separator = ', '; $negative = 'negative '; $decimal = ' point '; $dictionary = array( 0 => 'zero', 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three', 4 => 'four', 5 => 'five', 6 => 'six', 7 => 'seven', 8 => 'eight', 9 => 'nine', 10 => 'ten', 11 => 'eleven', 12 => 'twelve', 13 => 'thirteen', 14 => 'fourteen', 15 => 'fifteen', 16 => 'sixteen', 17 => 'seventeen', 18 => 'eighteen', 19 => 'nineteen', 20 => 'twenty', 30 => 'thirty', 40 => 'fourty', 50 => 'fifty', 60 => 'sixty', 70 => 'seventy', 80 => 'eighty', 90 => 'ninety', 100 => 'hundred', 1000 => 'thousand', 1000000 => 'million', 1000000000 => 'billion', 1000000000000 => 'trillion', 1000000000000000 => 'quadrillion', 1000000000000000000 => 'quintillion' ); if (!is_numeric($number)) { return false; } if (($number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0) || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX) { // overflow trigger_error( 'convert_number_to_words only accepts numbers between -' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' and ' . PHP_INT_MAX, E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } if ($number < 0) { return $negative . convert_number_to_words(abs($number)); } $string = $fraction = null; if (strpos($number, '.') !== false) { list($number, $fraction) = explode('.', $number); } switch (true) { case $number < 21: $string = $dictionary[$number]; break; case $number < 100: $tens = ((int) ($number / 10)) * 10; $units = $number % 10; $string = $dictionary[$tens]; if ($units) { $string .= $hyphen . $dictionary[$units]; } break; case $number < 1000: $hundreds = $number / 100; $remainder = $number % 100; $string = $dictionary[$hundreds] . ' ' . $dictionary[100]; if ($remainder) { $string .= $conjunction . convert_number_to_words($remainder); } break; default: $baseUnit = pow(1000, floor(log($number, 1000))); $numBaseUnits = (int) ($number / $baseUnit); $remainder = $number % $baseUnit; $string = convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[$baseUnit]; if ($remainder) { $string .= $remainder < 100 ? $conjunction : $separator; $string .= convert_number_to_words($remainder); } break; } if (null !== $fraction && is_numeric($fraction)) { $string .= $decimal; $words = array(); foreach (str_split((string) $fraction) as $number) { $words[] = $dictionary[$number]; } $string .= implode(' ', $words); } return $string; } 

Пример использования:

 echo convert_number_to_words(123456789); // one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine echo convert_number_to_words(123456789.123); // one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine point one two three echo convert_number_to_words(-1922685.477); // negative one million, nine hundred and twenty-two thousand, six hundred and eighty-five point four seven seven // float rounding can be avoided by passing the number as a string echo convert_number_to_words(123456789123.12345); // rounds the fractional part // one hundred and twenty-three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-three point one two echo convert_number_to_words('123456789123.12345'); // does not round // one hundred and twenty-three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-three point one two three four five 

Вы также можете использовать расширение груши для него. У него многоязычная поддержка.

 <?php require('Numbers/Words.php'); $number = 637; $nw = new Numbers_Words(); $numw = $nw->toWords($number); print $numw; // prints six hundred thirty-seven 


toWord() также принимает необязательный специфический для локали параметр, такой как toWord(78,'fr') который печатает soixante-dix-huit (семьдесят восемь на французском)

Это не полное решение, хотя это сработало для меня.
