Хадсон продолжает терпеть неудачу с Phing And Ant. Любые намеки?

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ошибки, которые я получаю с консоли при запуске Ant:

phpunit: [exec] PHPUnit 3.2.16 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Class /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests could not be found in /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests.php. [exec] Result: 1 phpcpd: [exec] The referenced parameter '--log-pmd=/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/build/logs/pmd.xml' is not registered. [exec] Result: 1 pdepend: [exec] ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 4294967295 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file '/usr/bin/pdepend', line 57) [exec] PHP_Depend 0.9.16 by Manuel Pichler [exec] [exec] Invalid directory '/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/build/logs/phpdepend.xml' added. [exec] Result: 2 phpcs: [exec] ERROR: The file "/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/build/logs/checkstyle.xml" does not exist. 

И при запуске Phing:

 [CHECKSTYLE] Collecting checkstyle analysis files... [CHECKSTYLE] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/build/logs/checkstyle.xml of module logs with 1 warnings. [WARNINGS] Parsing warnings in console log... [TASKS] Scanning workspace files for tasks... [DRY] Collecting duplicate code analysis files... Publishing Javadoc [JDepend] JDepend plugin is ready [JDepend] Couldn't generate JDepend file at 'build/logs/phpdepend.xml'java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/build/logs/phpdepend.xml (No such file or directory) Publishing Clover coverage report... Clover xml file does not exist in: /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/build/coverage called: clover.xml and will not be copied to: /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/builds/2010-07-12_02-31-04/clover.xml Could not find 'build/coverage/clover.xml'. Did you generate the XML report for Clover? [xUnit] Starting to record. [xUnit] Can't create the path /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/generatedJUnitFiles. Maybe the directory already exists. [xUnit] [PHPUnit-5.1.6 (default)] - Processing 1 files with the pattern 'build/logs/*.xml' relative to '/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace'. [xUnit] [WARNING] - The file '/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/build/logs/checkstyle.xml' is an invalid file. It has been ignored. [xUnit] The plugin hasn't been performed correctly: java.io.IOException: No test report files were found. Configuration error? GitAPI created [workspace] $ /usr/bin/git tag -d hudson-Goals-31 [workspace] $ /usr/bin/git tag -a -f -m "Hudson Build #31" hudson-Goals-31-FAILURE 

Итак, какие-то идеи, что происходит не так? Я получаю его, чтобы строить просто отлично на месте. На моем VPS мы получаем весь этот беспорядок.

Похоже, у вас есть проблемы с путями. Вы path /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/build/logs/phpdepend.xml кажется, файл, а не путь.

[exec] Добавлен недопустимый каталог '/var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/build/logs/phpdepend.xml'.