Integrating PayKeeper with PHP can be done using the official PayKeeper PHP SDK. This SDK provides convenient methods and classes for working with PayKeeper API, allowing PHP developers to easily create and manage transactions, subscriptions, and customer accounts.To use the PayKeeper PHP SDK, first, you need to install it using Composer. Then, you can create a new instance of the PayKeeper API class, passing your account credentials as parameters. After that, you can call various methods on the API object to perform tasks such as creating new transactions and subscriptions, updating customer information, and more.Here's an example of how to create a new transaction:require_once('vendor/autoload.php');use PayKeeper\api\Api as PayKeeperApi;$api = new PayKeeperApi('account_name', 'api_id', 'api_key');$transaction = $api->createTransaction([ 'customer_id' => 123, 'amount' => 1000, 'description' => 'Payment for Services', 'success_url' => '', 'fail_url' => '',]);if ($transaction->isSuccess()) { // Redirect the user to the payment page header('Location: ' . $transaction->getPaymentPageUrl()); exit;} else { // Display an error message echo 'Unable to create transaction: ' . $transaction->getError();}This code creates a new transaction for $10.00 and redirects the user to the payment page if the transaction was successfully created. Otherwise, it displays an error message.

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