Как передать дополнительные параметры объекту routeMatch?

Я пытаюсь выполнить тестирование контроллера, но не могу понять, как передать некоторые дополнительные параметры объекту routeMatch.

Я следил за сообщениями из tomoram по адресу http://devblog.x2k.co.uk/unit-testing-a-zend-framework-2-controller/ и http://devblog.x2k.co.uk/getting-the- servicemanager-in-test-environment-and-dependency-injection / , но когда я пытаюсь отправить запрос / album / edit / 1, например, он выдает следующее исключение:

Zend\Mvc\Exception\DomainException: Url plugin requires that controller event compose a router; none found 

Вот мой PHPUnit Bootstrap:

 class Bootstrap { static $serviceManager; static $di; static public function go() { include 'init_autoloader.php'; $config = include 'config/application.config.php'; // append some testing configuration $config['module_listener_options']['config_static_paths'] = array(getcwd() . '/config/test.config.php'); // append some module-specific testing configuration if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/config/test.config.php')) { $moduleConfig = include __DIR__ . '/config/test.config.php'; array_unshift($config['module_listener_options']['config_static_paths'], $moduleConfig); } $serviceManager = Application::init($config)->getServiceManager(); self::$serviceManager = $serviceManager; // Setup Di $di = new Di(); $di->instanceManager()->addTypePreference('Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface', 'Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager'); $di->instanceManager()->addTypePreference('Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface', 'Zend\EventManager\EventManager'); $di->instanceManager()->addTypePreference('Zend\EventManager\SharedEventManagerInterface', 'Zend\EventManager\SharedEventManager'); self::$di = $di; } static public function getServiceManager() { return self::$serviceManager; } static public function getDi() { return self::$di; } } Bootstrap::go(); 

В основном мы создаем среду Zend\Mvc\Application .

Моя PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase заключена в пользовательский класс, который PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase следующим образом:

 abstract class ControllerTestCase extends TestCase { /** * The ActionController we are testing * * @var Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController */ protected $controller; /** * A request object * * @var Zend\Http\Request */ protected $request; /** * A response object * * @var Zend\Http\Response */ protected $response; /** * The matched route for the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * An MVC event to be assigned to the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent */ protected $event; /** * The Controller fully qualified domain name, so each ControllerTestCase can create an instance * of the tested controller * * @var string */ protected $controllerFQDN; /** * The route to the controller, as defined in the configuration files * * @var string */ protected $controllerRoute; public function setup() { parent::setup(); $di = \Bootstrap::getDi(); // Create a Controller and set some properties $this->controller = $di->newInstance($this->controllerFQDN); $this->request = new Request(); $this->routeMatch = new RouteMatch(array('controller' => $this->controllerRoute)); $this->event = new MvcEvent(); $this->event->setRouteMatch($this->routeMatch); $this->controller->setEvent($this->event); $this->controller->setServiceLocator(\Bootstrap::getServiceManager()); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->controller); unset($this->request); unset($this->routeMatch); unset($this->event); } } с abstract class ControllerTestCase extends TestCase { /** * The ActionController we are testing * * @var Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController */ protected $controller; /** * A request object * * @var Zend\Http\Request */ protected $request; /** * A response object * * @var Zend\Http\Response */ protected $response; /** * The matched route for the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * An MVC event to be assigned to the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent */ protected $event; /** * The Controller fully qualified domain name, so each ControllerTestCase can create an instance * of the tested controller * * @var string */ protected $controllerFQDN; /** * The route to the controller, as defined in the configuration files * * @var string */ protected $controllerRoute; public function setup() { parent::setup(); $di = \Bootstrap::getDi(); // Create a Controller and set some properties $this->controller = $di->newInstance($this->controllerFQDN); $this->request = new Request(); $this->routeMatch = new RouteMatch(array('controller' => $this->controllerRoute)); $this->event = new MvcEvent(); $this->event->setRouteMatch($this->routeMatch); $this->controller->setEvent($this->event); $this->controller->setServiceLocator(\Bootstrap::getServiceManager()); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->controller); unset($this->request); unset($this->routeMatch); unset($this->event); } } с abstract class ControllerTestCase extends TestCase { /** * The ActionController we are testing * * @var Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController */ protected $controller; /** * A request object * * @var Zend\Http\Request */ protected $request; /** * A response object * * @var Zend\Http\Response */ protected $response; /** * The matched route for the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * An MVC event to be assigned to the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent */ protected $event; /** * The Controller fully qualified domain name, so each ControllerTestCase can create an instance * of the tested controller * * @var string */ protected $controllerFQDN; /** * The route to the controller, as defined in the configuration files * * @var string */ protected $controllerRoute; public function setup() { parent::setup(); $di = \Bootstrap::getDi(); // Create a Controller and set some properties $this->controller = $di->newInstance($this->controllerFQDN); $this->request = new Request(); $this->routeMatch = new RouteMatch(array('controller' => $this->controllerRoute)); $this->event = new MvcEvent(); $this->event->setRouteMatch($this->routeMatch); $this->controller->setEvent($this->event); $this->controller->setServiceLocator(\Bootstrap::getServiceManager()); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->controller); unset($this->request); unset($this->routeMatch); unset($this->event); } } с abstract class ControllerTestCase extends TestCase { /** * The ActionController we are testing * * @var Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController */ protected $controller; /** * A request object * * @var Zend\Http\Request */ protected $request; /** * A response object * * @var Zend\Http\Response */ protected $response; /** * The matched route for the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * An MVC event to be assigned to the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent */ protected $event; /** * The Controller fully qualified domain name, so each ControllerTestCase can create an instance * of the tested controller * * @var string */ protected $controllerFQDN; /** * The route to the controller, as defined in the configuration files * * @var string */ protected $controllerRoute; public function setup() { parent::setup(); $di = \Bootstrap::getDi(); // Create a Controller and set some properties $this->controller = $di->newInstance($this->controllerFQDN); $this->request = new Request(); $this->routeMatch = new RouteMatch(array('controller' => $this->controllerRoute)); $this->event = new MvcEvent(); $this->event->setRouteMatch($this->routeMatch); $this->controller->setEvent($this->event); $this->controller->setServiceLocator(\Bootstrap::getServiceManager()); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->controller); unset($this->request); unset($this->routeMatch); unset($this->event); } } с abstract class ControllerTestCase extends TestCase { /** * The ActionController we are testing * * @var Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController */ protected $controller; /** * A request object * * @var Zend\Http\Request */ protected $request; /** * A response object * * @var Zend\Http\Response */ protected $response; /** * The matched route for the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch */ protected $routeMatch; /** * An MVC event to be assigned to the controller * * @var Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent */ protected $event; /** * The Controller fully qualified domain name, so each ControllerTestCase can create an instance * of the tested controller * * @var string */ protected $controllerFQDN; /** * The route to the controller, as defined in the configuration files * * @var string */ protected $controllerRoute; public function setup() { parent::setup(); $di = \Bootstrap::getDi(); // Create a Controller and set some properties $this->controller = $di->newInstance($this->controllerFQDN); $this->request = new Request(); $this->routeMatch = new RouteMatch(array('controller' => $this->controllerRoute)); $this->event = new MvcEvent(); $this->event->setRouteMatch($this->routeMatch); $this->controller->setEvent($this->event); $this->controller->setServiceLocator(\Bootstrap::getServiceManager()); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->controller); unset($this->request); unset($this->routeMatch); unset($this->event); } } 

И мы создаем экземпляр Controller и Request с RouteMatch.

Код для теста:

 public function testEditActionWithGetRequest() { // Dispatch the edit action $this->routeMatch->setParam('action', 'edit'); $this->routeMatch->setParam('id', $album->id); $result = $this->controller->dispatch($this->request, $this->response); // rest of the code isn't executed } 

Я не уверен, что мне здесь не хватает. Может ли быть какая-то конфигурация для тестового бутстрапа? Или мне нужно передать параметры другим способом? Или я забываю что-то создать?

То, что я сделал для решения этой проблемы, – это перемещение Application::init() и конфигурации из Bootstrap в метод setUp() . Требуется некоторое время для загрузки, но оно работает.

Мой Bootstrap имеет только код, необходимый для настройки автозагрузчика, в то время как метод setUp() имеет нечто похожее на старый код Bootstrap::go() .