Как настроить динамическую функцию с заданием cron?

Я хочу знать, как я могу запланировать динамическую (автоматически заполненные данные) функцию для автоматического запуска каждый день в безопасное время?

Допустим, у меня есть форма, которая после нажатия кнопки посылает данные функции, которая помещает данные. Я просто хочу автоматизировать это, чтобы не нажимать кнопку.

<ul> <?php foreach($Class->retrieveData as $data) { <form method="post" action=""> <li> <input type="hidden" name="name">'.$data['name'].'<br/> <input type="hidden" name="description">'.$data['description'].'<br/> <input type="submit" name="post_data" value="Post"> </li> </form> } ?> </ul> 

Теперь форма передаст данные функции.

 if(isset($_POST['post_data'])) // if post_data button is clicked then it runs myFunction() { myFunction(); } myFunction() { $name = $_POST['name']; $description = $_POST['description']; } 

Я попытался сделать следующее, но проблема в том, что Cron Job может запускать весь файл .php, и я получаю сохраненное время для запуска из MySQL.

 foreach($Class->getTime() as $timeData) { $timeHour = $timeData['timeHour']; $timeMinute = $timeData['timeMinute']; $hourMin = date('H:i'); $timeData = ''.$timeHour.':'.$timeMinute.''; if($hourMin == $timeData) { run myFunction. } } 

$hourMin – текущий час: минута, которая сопоставляется с сохраненным временем для автоматического запуска из Mysql. Поэтому, если $hourMin == $timeData тогда функция будет работать.

Как запустить функцию Cron для автоматического запуска myFunction() если $hourMin равен $timeData ?


 List 1 = is to be runned at 10am List 2 = is to be runned at 12pm List 3 = is to be runned at 2pm 

10am, 12pm, 2pm – это $timeHour и $timeMinute которые извлекаются из MySQL, но на основе каждого идентификатора списка.


@случайное зерно,

 1) I can schedule cron jobs. 2) $name and $description will all be arrays, so the following is what I am trying to accomplish. $name = array( 'Jon', 'Steven', 'Carter' ); $description = array( 'Jon is a great person.', 'Steven has an outgoing character.', 'Carter is a horrible person.' ); 

Я хочу проанализировать первые массивы из $ name и $ description, если запланированное время верное.

В базе данных у меня есть следующее

 postDataTime table +----+---------+----------+------------+--------+ | iD | timeDay | timeHour | timeMinute | postiD | +--------------------------------------+--------+ | 1 | * | 9 | 0 | 21 | |----|---------|----------|------------|--------| | 2 | * | 10 | 30 | 22 | |----|---------|----------|------------|--------| | 3 | * | 11 | 0 | 23 | +----|---------+----------+------------+--------+ iD = auto incremented on upload. timeDay = * is everyday (cron job style) timeHour = Hour of the day to run the script timeMinute = minute of the hour to run script postiD = this is the id of the post that is located in another table (n+1 relationship) 

Если это трудно понять … что такое квиноа

 if(time() == 10:30(time from MySQL postiD = 22)) { // run myFunction with the data that is retrieved for that time ex: $postiD = '22'; $name = 'Steven'; $description = 'Steven has an outgoing character.'; // the above is what will be in the $_POST from the form and will be // sent to the myFunction() } 

Я просто хочу запланировать все в соответствии со временем, которое сохраняется в MySQL, поскольку я показывал в самом верхнем (таблица postDataTime). (Я бы показал, что я пробовал, но я искал бесчисленные часы для примера того, чего я пытаюсь выполнить, но я ничего не могу найти, и то, что я пробовал, не работает.).

Я думал, что могу использовать функцию exec (), но из того, что кажется, что не позволяет мне запускать функции, в противном случае я бы сделал следующее.

 $time = '10:30'; if($time == time()) { exec(myFunction()); } 

    у вас есть 2 способа , хотя только один будет делать именно то, что вы хотите сделать;

    • Первый способ требует наличия у вас доступа и привилегий для изменения стороны сервера cron-jobs (пример с помощью PHP или другого). В зависимости от того, какие ОС есть учебники: Win , Nix

    • Второй способ сделает что-то близкое к тому, что вы хотите, но без точности минут , вы потеряете максимум 2 минуты за каждый цикл. (см. exaplanation ниже).

    1-й путь – отличный способ

    • Как только пользователь ударит по форме, создайте уникальную задачу cron для этого пользователя, используя нужный период времени.

    если у вас нет этих привилегий, вы можете использовать сервис 3d-частей, например http://www.easycron.com, а также бесплатную версию с ограниченным запросом. они также предоставляют API-интерфейс REST для управления (CRUDE) cron-задачами.

    2-й путь несовершенный

    • добавьте новый столбец VARCHAR , который я назвал today с этим мы обеспечим выполнение задачи только один раз в день.

     +----+---------+----------+------------+--------+----------+ | iD | timeDay | timeHour | timeMinute | postiD | today | +--------------------------------------+--------+----------+ | 1 | * | 9 | 0 | 21 | 30-05-04 | |----|---------|----------|------------|--------|----------+ | 2 | * | 10 | 30 | 22 | | |----|---------|----------|------------|--------|----------+ | 3 | * | 11 | 0 | 23 | | +----|---------+----------+------------+--------+----------+ 
    • после этого создайте файл php, который я назвал crontask.php мы будем называть его каждые 5 минут

    • добавьте это на панель cronjob:

    • 0,5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /www/virtual/username/crontask.php > /dev/null 2>&1

    • в файле crontask.php

     <?php // include() Database Config file here with mysql_connect etc... // include() the required files ex. the file where myFunction reside... $cron_cycle = 5; // set it equal to what used in cron command-line $today = date('Ym-d'); if($result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM postDataTime WHERE today != '{$today}'")){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $postID = $row['postID']; $timeHour = (int) $row['timeHour']; $current_hours = (int) date('H'); // current hours $current_minutes = (int) date('i'); // current minutes $timeMinute = (int) $row['timeMinute']; // force to run at the closest cycle $timeMinute = ($timeMinute % $cycle === 0) ? $timeMinute : toCloser($timeMinute, $cron_cycle); if( $current_hours === $timeHour && $current_minutes === $timeMinute ){ // ensure that we have already runned a cron for this user... mysql_query("UPDATE postDataTime SET today = '{$today}' WHERE postID = '{$postID}'"); myFunction($postID); } } } function toCloser($n,$x=5) { $j = (round($n)%$x === 0) ? round($n) : (round(($n+$x/2)/$x)*$x); return ($j-$n) >= round($x/2) ? ($j-$x) : $j; } ?> 

    Объяснение функции:

    Предполагая, что расписание cron проходит каждые 5 минут, лат говорит, что мы в 20:00, теперь cron будет работать в 20:05, 20:10, 20:15, 20:20 и так далее …

    то в нашей БД мы имеем такое время

     Jonh : 20:05, Mario : 20:32, luke : 20:48, David : 20:57, Jimmy : 20:06, Eddy : 20:16 

    когда скрипт проверяет те времена, он будет работать следующим образом:

     at 20:05 -> run 20:05 Jonh, 20:06 Jimmy at 20:10 -> run null at 20:15 -> run 20:16 Eddy at 20:20 -> run null and so on.... 

    Как вы видите, вы потеряете в худшем случае 2 минуты каждый раз. Я думаю, что это справедливо! 😉

    Задачи Cron требуют, чтобы вы задавали время, в которое они запускались, они не могут (да, вы могли бы взломать это, имея скрипт, который редактирует ваш crontab, но я бы не сказал, что это очень хорошая идея) имеют время, чтобы запустить решение динамически. Это означает, что у вас есть два варианта:

    1) Установите cronjob для запуска каждую минуту и ​​используйте временный файл, который вы касаетесь, чтобы сообщить в последний раз, когда он выполнил одну из запланированных задач. Каждый раз, когда он запускается, он проверяет, была ли задача запускать между последней меткой времени ваш временный файл и текущее время, и если он выполняет задание. Это грубое, но простое решение.

    2) Не используйте cron. Создайте демона, который проверяет, в какое время нужно запускать задачи и помещает их в очередь приоритетов, затем он выдает самый ранний элемент и спит, пока не приступит к выполнению этой задачи. Он выполняет задание и вставляет его в эксплуатацию в течение 24 часов в будущем и повторяет. Это решение намного более изящно, но для этого требуется больше работы.

    Можно настроить задание cron, которое запускается каждую минуту, и когда оно срабатывает, оно проверяет, какие задания запланированы на этот момент.

    В качестве простой идеи, которая может быть легко изменена, чтобы протащить детали времени выполнения для конкретного сценария, если вы хотите: –

     <?php include '/core/config.php'); // Test script to allow jobs to be set up (cron style) on a database, but with the addition that jobs can be made // dependent on other jobs completing first. // Currently does not support jobs being dependent on more than one parent job. // It uses a database of 2 tables. One for servers and the other for jobs. // The server is selected as the one that matches the value of php_uname('n') (hence this can be run on many servers accessing a single database and only executing jobs for the particular server an instance is running on) // Time ranges are specified in the same way as on CRON jobs:- // * = no restriction based on that field // x = when the value of that time parameter matches x // /x = every x of that field (ie, mod current of that field by x and match if result is 0) // xy = when the value of that time parameter is between x and y // x,y = when the value of the time parameter matches x or y (or z, etc) // The script field on the scheduling table contains the script / command to be executed. For example if a php script then it might be 'php /usr/webdata/cron_scripts/some_script.php // Parentid is the id of a job that must have finished before the job is executed. class scheduling extends core_class { public $connections; private $db; private $year; private $month; private $day; private $hour; private $minute; private $second; private $day_of_week; private $background_kick_off = true; private $completed_jobs = array(); function __construct($connections, $background_kick_off = true) { parent::__construct($connections); $this->background_kick_off = $background_kick_off; $this->debug_time_start(); $this->connections = $connections; $this->db = new database($connections['EO'], 'em_scheduling'); if (!$this->db->no_error) $this->error('E_ERROR', $this->db->error()); $run_date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s w'); list($date_part, $time_part, $this->day_of_week) = explode(' ', $run_date); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = explode('/', $date_part); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = explode(':', $time_part); $this->find_jobs(0); } function find_jobs($parent_id) { $sql = "SELECT a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week, a.script_description, COUNT(DISTINCT b.id) AS child_count FROM scheduling a ON s.id = a.server_id LEFT OUTER JOIN scheduling b ON a.id = b.parent_id AND b.enabled = 1 AND (b.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', b.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(b.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', b.hours) OR (SUBSTR(b.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', b.months) OR (SUBSTR(b.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((b.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', b.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (b.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', b.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) WHERE a.parent_id = ".(int)$parent_id." AND a.enabled = 1 AND (a.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', a.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(a.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', a.hours) OR (SUBSTR(a.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', a.months) OR (SUBSTR(a.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((a.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', a.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (a.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', a.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) GROUP BY a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week ORDER BY child_count "; //echo "\r\n $sql \r\n"; $this->db->query($sql) or die($this->db->error()); $process_array = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_assoc()) { $process_array[] = $row; } foreach($process_array as $aProcess) { if ($this->background_kick_off and $aProcess['child_count'] == 0) { // No jobs to follow so just kick them off as a background task $this->launchBackgroundProcess($aProcess['script']); $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; } else { passthru($aProcess['script'].'', $return_var); if ($return_var == 0) { $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; $this->find_jobs($aProcess['id']); } } } } private function launchBackgroundProcess($call) { // Windows if($this->is_windows()) { pclose(popen('start /b '.$call, 'r')); } // Some sort of UNIX else { pclose(popen($call.' /dev/null &', 'r')); } return true; } private function is_windows() { if(PHP_OS == 'WINNT' || PHP_OS == 'WIN32') { return true; } return false; } } $Scheduling = new scheduling($connections, true); ?> получени <?php include '/core/config.php'); // Test script to allow jobs to be set up (cron style) on a database, but with the addition that jobs can be made // dependent on other jobs completing first. // Currently does not support jobs being dependent on more than one parent job. // It uses a database of 2 tables. One for servers and the other for jobs. // The server is selected as the one that matches the value of php_uname('n') (hence this can be run on many servers accessing a single database and only executing jobs for the particular server an instance is running on) // Time ranges are specified in the same way as on CRON jobs:- // * = no restriction based on that field // x = when the value of that time parameter matches x // /x = every x of that field (ie, mod current of that field by x and match if result is 0) // xy = when the value of that time parameter is between x and y // x,y = when the value of the time parameter matches x or y (or z, etc) // The script field on the scheduling table contains the script / command to be executed. For example if a php script then it might be 'php /usr/webdata/cron_scripts/some_script.php // Parentid is the id of a job that must have finished before the job is executed. class scheduling extends core_class { public $connections; private $db; private $year; private $month; private $day; private $hour; private $minute; private $second; private $day_of_week; private $background_kick_off = true; private $completed_jobs = array(); function __construct($connections, $background_kick_off = true) { parent::__construct($connections); $this->background_kick_off = $background_kick_off; $this->debug_time_start(); $this->connections = $connections; $this->db = new database($connections['EO'], 'em_scheduling'); if (!$this->db->no_error) $this->error('E_ERROR', $this->db->error()); $run_date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s w'); list($date_part, $time_part, $this->day_of_week) = explode(' ', $run_date); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = explode('/', $date_part); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = explode(':', $time_part); $this->find_jobs(0); } function find_jobs($parent_id) { $sql = "SELECT a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week, a.script_description, COUNT(DISTINCT b.id) AS child_count FROM scheduling a ON s.id = a.server_id LEFT OUTER JOIN scheduling b ON a.id = b.parent_id AND b.enabled = 1 AND (b.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', b.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(b.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', b.hours) OR (SUBSTR(b.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', b.months) OR (SUBSTR(b.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((b.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', b.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (b.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', b.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) WHERE a.parent_id = ".(int)$parent_id." AND a.enabled = 1 AND (a.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', a.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(a.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', a.hours) OR (SUBSTR(a.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', a.months) OR (SUBSTR(a.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((a.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', a.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (a.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', a.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) GROUP BY a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week ORDER BY child_count "; //echo "\r\n $sql \r\n"; $this->db->query($sql) or die($this->db->error()); $process_array = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_assoc()) { $process_array[] = $row; } foreach($process_array as $aProcess) { if ($this->background_kick_off and $aProcess['child_count'] == 0) { // No jobs to follow so just kick them off as a background task $this->launchBackgroundProcess($aProcess['script']); $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; } else { passthru($aProcess['script'].'', $return_var); if ($return_var == 0) { $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; $this->find_jobs($aProcess['id']); } } } } private function launchBackgroundProcess($call) { // Windows if($this->is_windows()) { pclose(popen('start /b '.$call, 'r')); } // Some sort of UNIX else { pclose(popen($call.' /dev/null &', 'r')); } return true; } private function is_windows() { if(PHP_OS == 'WINNT' || PHP_OS == 'WIN32') { return true; } return false; } } $Scheduling = new scheduling($connections, true); ?> получени <?php include '/core/config.php'); // Test script to allow jobs to be set up (cron style) on a database, but with the addition that jobs can be made // dependent on other jobs completing first. // Currently does not support jobs being dependent on more than one parent job. // It uses a database of 2 tables. One for servers and the other for jobs. // The server is selected as the one that matches the value of php_uname('n') (hence this can be run on many servers accessing a single database and only executing jobs for the particular server an instance is running on) // Time ranges are specified in the same way as on CRON jobs:- // * = no restriction based on that field // x = when the value of that time parameter matches x // /x = every x of that field (ie, mod current of that field by x and match if result is 0) // xy = when the value of that time parameter is between x and y // x,y = when the value of the time parameter matches x or y (or z, etc) // The script field on the scheduling table contains the script / command to be executed. For example if a php script then it might be 'php /usr/webdata/cron_scripts/some_script.php // Parentid is the id of a job that must have finished before the job is executed. class scheduling extends core_class { public $connections; private $db; private $year; private $month; private $day; private $hour; private $minute; private $second; private $day_of_week; private $background_kick_off = true; private $completed_jobs = array(); function __construct($connections, $background_kick_off = true) { parent::__construct($connections); $this->background_kick_off = $background_kick_off; $this->debug_time_start(); $this->connections = $connections; $this->db = new database($connections['EO'], 'em_scheduling'); if (!$this->db->no_error) $this->error('E_ERROR', $this->db->error()); $run_date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s w'); list($date_part, $time_part, $this->day_of_week) = explode(' ', $run_date); list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = explode('/', $date_part); list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = explode(':', $time_part); $this->find_jobs(0); } function find_jobs($parent_id) { $sql = "SELECT a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week, a.script_description, COUNT(DISTINCT b.id) AS child_count FROM scheduling a ON s.id = a.server_id LEFT OUTER JOIN scheduling b ON a.id = b.parent_id AND b.enabled = 1 AND (b.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', b.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(b.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', b.hours) OR (SUBSTR(b.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (b.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', b.months) OR (SUBSTR(b.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((b.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', b.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (b.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', b.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(b.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (b.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(b.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) WHERE a.parent_id = ".(int)$parent_id." AND a.enabled = 1 AND (a.minutes = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->minute."', a.minutes) OR (SUBSTR(a.minutes, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->minute." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.minutes, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.minutes LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->minute." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.minutes, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.hours = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->hour."', a.hours) OR (SUBSTR(a.hours, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->hour." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.hours, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.hours LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->hour." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.hours, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND (a.months = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->month."', a.months) OR (SUBSTR(a.months, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->month." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.months, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.months LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->month." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.months, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) AND ((a.day_of_month = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day."', a.day_of_month) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_month, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_month LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_month, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED))) OR (a.day_of_week = '*' OR FIND_IN_SET('".$this->day_of_week."', a.day_of_week) OR (SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 1, 1) = '/' AND (".$this->day_of_week." % CAST(SUBSTR(a.day_of_week, 2) AS UNSIGNED)) = 0) OR (a.day_of_week LIKE '%-%' AND ".$this->day_of_week." BETWEEN CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AND CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.day_of_week, '-', -1) AS UNSIGNED)))) GROUP BY a.id, a.script, a.parent_id, a.minutes, a.hours, a.day_of_month, a.months, a.day_of_week ORDER BY child_count "; //echo "\r\n $sql \r\n"; $this->db->query($sql) or die($this->db->error()); $process_array = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_assoc()) { $process_array[] = $row; } foreach($process_array as $aProcess) { if ($this->background_kick_off and $aProcess['child_count'] == 0) { // No jobs to follow so just kick them off as a background task $this->launchBackgroundProcess($aProcess['script']); $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; } else { passthru($aProcess['script'].'', $return_var); if ($return_var == 0) { $completed_jobs[$aProcess['id']] = $aProcess['script_description']; $this->find_jobs($aProcess['id']); } } } } private function launchBackgroundProcess($call) { // Windows if($this->is_windows()) { pclose(popen('start /b '.$call, 'r')); } // Some sort of UNIX else { pclose(popen($call.' /dev/null &', 'r')); } return true; } private function is_windows() { if(PHP_OS == 'WINNT' || PHP_OS == 'WIN32') { return true; } return false; } } $Scheduling = new scheduling($connections, true); ?> 


     CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scheduling` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `script` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minutes` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `hours` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `day_of_month` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `months` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `day_of_week` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `script_description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`server_id`,`parent_id`,`enabled`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=15 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `scheduling` -- INSERT INTO `scheduling` (`id`, `enabled`, `script`, `parent_id`, `minutes`, `hours`, `day_of_month`, `months`, `day_of_week`, `script_description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'php download.php', 0, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', 'Download files'), (2, 1, 'php load_data.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', 'Load files to database'), (3, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (4, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (5, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (6, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (7, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (8, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (9, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (10, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (11, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (12, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (13, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL), (14, 1, 'php file_test.php', 1, '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', NULL); 

    Я предлагаю вам динамически создавать записи Cron через сценарий оболочки, который настраивает запись cron для запуска вашей конкретной функции, когда вы действительно хотите ее запустить.

    Для вашего конкретного случая здесь Ниже я предлагаю:

    1. Создайте скрипт-оболочку и планируйте его в Cron для запуска каждую секунду.
    2. Этот скрипт-оболочка будет разговаривать с MySQL и выбирать время, в которое должна выполняться определенная функция.
    3. Затем он будет динамически создавать запись Cron для запуска этой функции на этой определенной временной отметке. Вы можете динамически добавлять и удалять запись Cron с помощью сценария оболочки. Подробнее см. Ниже.
    4. Как только ваша функция будет завершена, должно быть какое-то указание, например, статус, хранящийся где-нибудь, возможно, в вашей БД или какой-то файл, чтобы обертка могла узнать / узнать статус и удалить соответствующую запись cron.

    1. Создайте Cron, используя Bash
    crontab -l | { cat; echo "0 0 0 0 0 some entry"; } | crontab -
    2. Удаление / автоматизация Cron
    crontab -l -u | grep -v <unique command> | crontab -

    Если я правильно понимаю, я думаю, что что-то вроде этого может работать для вас, используя часы в качестве ключей к функции, которую вы хотите запустить, в цикле, который запускается каждые два часа:

     $listArray = Array(8=>"list1_function",10=>"list2_function");//etc... $hour = Date("G"); if(array_key_exists($hour,$listArray)) { $listArray[$hour](); } function list1_function() { echo "do list 1 stuff"; } function list2_function() { echo "do list 2 stuff"; }